Liberia: Congress for Democratic Change Holds Elective Congress

Monrovia — The Congress for Democratic Change (CDC) of President George Weah is currently holding its 7th congress to elect a new corps of officers who steer the affairs of the party for the next constitutional term.

All positions of the National Executive Committee of the Party are being contested.

The National Executive Committee of the Women's League and the National Executive Committee of the Revolutionary National Youth League of the Party are also been declared vacant and out for contestation giving interested partisans who are desirous of occupying any position in the named structures to comply with the ongoing application process being supervised by the Congress Organizing Committee Secretariat in line with the published guidelines for the election at the congress.

Positions to be contested for include: National Chairman, Vice Chair for Administration, Vice Chair for Political Affairs, Vice Chair for Finance & Investment, Vice Chair for Operation and Vice Chair for Legal & Governmental Affairs.

Other positions include; Vice Chair for Planning, Policy and Program, Vice Chair for International Affairs, Vice Chair for Gender Affairs, National Secretary General, Deputy Secretary for Administration, Deputy Secretary for Research and Record, Deputy Secretary for Press and Public Affairs, Treasurer, and Champlain General.

In a release, the organizing committee chaired by Atty. Alexander V. S. Saylee said: "The 7th National Congress Organizing Committee of the Congress for Democratic wishes to inform all accredited delegates, partisans, supporters, observers and the general public of the ongoing conduct of the Party's 7th National Congress, which business session is slated for November 20-26, 2022. All congress activities are taking place at the Party's National He

the National Patriotic Party (NPP), of Vice President Jewel Howard Taylor and The Liberian People Democratic Party (LPDP) of former Speaker Alex Tyler.

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