Liberia: Minister of Justice Working Modalities to Call Off Prosecuting Attorneys Go-Slow Action

Monrovia — The Ministry of Justice has assured Prosecuting Attorneys that all modalities are being worked out to resolve their ongoing boycott action pronounced on November 14.

Acting Solicitor General, Cllr. Wesseh A. Wesseh in a notification issued Monday, November 21 noted that while Prosecuting Attorneys have boycotted court, the Ministry of Justice will grant letters of patents to private lawyers retained by the Private Prosecutor on a case-by-case basis.

This, according to the communication, is intended to avoid hindrance or defeat at the end of the administration of justice, occasioned by the strike action.

The Ministry of Justice at the same time encouraged party litigants and the public to be patient, noting that all is being done to resolve the unfolding situation.

It can be recalled that the President of the National Association of Prosecutors of Liberia, Cllr. Adolphus Karnuah in a communication dated November 14, ordered all city solicitors and prosecutors to stay away from court or prosecution until the Central Bank of Liberia and Ministry of Finance, Development Planning meet their demands.

They are seeking better benefits and interests of all prosecutors across the country.

Since his order, the Prosecutors have been on a go-slow.

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