Ghana, Japan Urged to Improve Trade Between 2 Countries

24 November 2022

The Ghana's Ambassador to Japan, Ms Genevieve Edna Akpaloo, has appealed to the Japan-Ghana Parliamentary Friendship League, made up of Japanese MPs with interest in Ghana, to support efforts of the people and government of Japan in assisting in the development of Ghana.

She said Japan actively supported Ghana during the period of the Covid-19 pandemic, which included regular consultations and exchange of visits which kept the interest of Japanese in Ghana strong.

Ms Akpaloo made the appeal at a dinner she hosted for members of the Japan-Ghana Parliamentary Friendship League. The League is made up of some members of the African Caucus of Japanese MPs who have special interest in Ghana.

The dinner was attended by four MPs, the Honorary Consul of Ghana in Sapporo, Hokkaido DrItaraIshi and secretary to the Chairman of the Japab-Ghana Parliamentary Friendship League, Mr Kaaki Lee. The MPs were Hon. Manaba Sakai, chairman, Hon.Hisayuki Fuji, Hon. Yasushi Hosaka, Hon. Tomohiro Yamamoto.

Also at the dinner were the Chairman of the National Media Commission, Yaw Boadu-Ayeboafoh, Director General of the Ghana Broadcasting Corporation, Prof. Amin Alhassanand Rev. Ebenezer Botwe, Durector of Finance at GBC, who attended a conference of the Public Broadcasters International PBI Tokyo 2022.

Hon. Sakai pledged that the League will do all that must be done to ensure that Japan unconditionally supports the development of Ghana and called for stronger collaboration between Ghana and Japan.

Prof. Alhassan conveyed through the league the gratitude of GBC to the people and government of Japan for supporting GBC in rehabilitating its studio through the Japan International Cooperation Agreement.

The chairman of the NMC thanked the MPs for their interest in Ghana and encouraged the ambassador to work with her Japanese counterparts to improve trade between Ghana and Japan so that aid would only be supplementary to trade.

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