Gambia: UK Philanthropists Donate Food Items to Kombo Darsilameh

24 November 2022

As part of their annual support to local communities, two philanthropists based in United Kingdom: Wolfgang Dahl and Gundula Horttermann on Tuesday donated bags of rice and gallons of cooking oil to the community of Kombo Darsilameh.

The items which include 63 bags of 25-kg rice and 63-gallons of 10-litre cooking oil, is worth over one hundred thousand dalasis.

The gesture, which was hailed by the community as timely, was distributed through the coordination of the Alkalo of the village alongside Village Development Committee (VDC).

At the handing over ceremony, Musa Talib Bojang, Alkalo of the village, described the gesture as 'timely and worthy', noting that the move is another milestone in the development of his community.

"This is third time these philanthropists are rendering support to my communities in Kombo Darsilameh."

Bojang emphasised the importance of the gesture, considering the current hard realities many households are going through.

"People are really facing hard times as everything is sky-rocketing especially the prices of basic food commodities. And I believe this gesture would go a long way in helping beneficiaries. We really appreciate these gifts and without doubt the beneficiaries would make best use of it."

He spoke highly of the philanthropic work of the donors, further acknowledging that they have been very helpful to the development of his village.

"Their support doesn't only stop at provision of food items, but they are supporting a clinic in my village. We extend gratitude for the support."

For his part, James Samuel Jarju, chairman of the Village Development Committee, hailed the donors for their foresight, adding that the items would go a long way in ameliorating the hard condition of some families.

He explained that going by the daily realities of life, the price of every food commodity is skyrocketing.

"Therefore, supporting our communities with foods aid at this crucial time is indeed commendable. We, therefore, thank them for supporting the people of Darsilameh over the years. We will continue to pray for their long life and good health".

Also speaking, Modou Lamin Bojang, a nurse at Darsilameh Health Clinic and Kaddy, a German nurse attendant at the village, both commended donors for the timely intervention.

"The relationship between the donors and the people of Darsilameh has been very fruitful over the years. We believe this donation will make an impact on the beneficiaries".

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