Liberia: Daniel Nyankonah Welcomes Justice Kabba's Mandate - Calls On Julius Kanubah and Team for Reconciliation

Monrovia — Team Daniel_Bettie campaign team has welcomed the decision by the Justice-in-Chamber, Associate Justice Yusif Kabba who presided over the petition for Writ of Prohibition on the PUL election held in Gbarna, Bong County over the weekend.

The Justice in chambers Yusif Kaba has given the contending parties one week to settle the matter out of court.

Having called both parties to a conference, Associate Justice Kaba mandated the two sides to find a way to settle the matter among themselves, saying, litigation brews hate.

Associate Kaba's mandate comes following a petition for a writ of prohibition prayed for by Julius Kanubah, a presidential candidate seeking to overturn the results of the PUL elections held in Gbarnga, Bong County recently.

Justice Kaba wants the parties to do some soul-searching since they are in a fraternity.

The Wednesday conference was held at the Temple of Justice with contending parties present along with their legal counsels.

The lawyers made presentations on behalf of their clients with intermittent questions from Justice Kaba.

The Justice has given one week to the parties, and failure to meet will give the Court no option but to decide on the petition.

Meanwhile, President-elect Daniel Nyakonah of the Press Union of Liberia says his team is open to reconciliation as mandated by Associate Justice.

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