Liberia: We Condemn Protest Against U.S. Ambassador

Let it be stated here unequivocally, that it is no pleasure for one to grotesquely, without cogent justification, bites the hand that butters his or her bread; let alone, no one is an island, and even an island is a part of a country.

While a country is a part of a continent and a continent is true, a part and parcel of the global village, all humankind truly and surely belong to; and as such, it is incumbent upon all of us to uphold and not shy away from the maxim that we're our brothers' keeper. So it is not to undercut the same out of sheer arrogance by shying away from the hard facts of reality.

By the same token, we cannot afford the luxury of opposing the warmest sincere, and honest cooperation from specifically, what is widely known as a traditional friend whose greatest quest with a compliment is to assist us to refine our governance system, and keep us in line with the internationally accepted best practice(s) from established leadership of which we (Liberians) cannot declare garbage regarding statehood.

However, it is preposterous to learn of looming information encapsulated in a package of a threat to be practicalized in the medium of unleashing a protest against the United States of America's (USA) Ambassador, Mr. Michael McCarthy for his firmness and sincerity towards safeguarding the long-standing ties between Liberia and USA and helping us to keep ourselves in good shape administration-wise.

We think that such an unrefined posture (protest) would not only be unfortunate, sad and ill-timed, gravely questionable; and we in the strongest term, condemn any protest against the US Ambassador coupled with any clandestine maneuvers to heap uneasiness in his function as US envoy in Liberia as totally counterproductive.

We must engage in a more positive manner and fashion in seeking redress to issues we may not thoroughly understand without blowing out hot air; lest we forget, if we're wise, we'd be advised because creation makes it no secret that there will always be greater and lesser persons than you. So always try to speak your true clearly and quietly; and listen cleverly to others; knowing that even the dull and ignorant have their stories.

While it is very true that such sad mentality and uncouth concept and practice is absolutely un-Liberian; we, without hesitation, vehemently condemn any such protest against the US Ambassador and urge those with such nefarious scheme to pause for a genuine cause and allow mutual understanding to take center-stage in order to enhance a decent image that will be reflective in the comity of nations. Let's continue to play safe and avoid knocking on the head of the most recognized global giant.

The US government remains Liberia's strongest partner. They have continued to assist this country in its development drive. It would sad and dangerous for one to think that the US is not in our interest. The US role globally has been and continues to be supporting democracy and free speech.

We think that those who may be thinking about such rude and barbaric action, must desist from it and even should never dream about it.

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