Liberia: Over 2,000 Power Theft Cases Detected in Monrovia

25 November 2022

-LEC Boss Monie Captan discloses

Over 2,000 cases of power theft have been detected in raids conducted across Monrovia by the Liberia Electricity Corporation (LEC) in just two weeks.

The Corporation began a clampdown on illegal power connections across Montserrado this month.

LEC Acting Boss Mr. Monie Captan said a total of 200 teams comprising LEC officials, vigilant members of the Anti-Power Theft taskforce, and the Liberia National Police are part of those conducting the raids across the country.

He said residential areas, business premises, and companies, among others within various communities, are being inspected.

On 9 November 2022, the Management of LEC launched a campaign to clamp down on power theft in the country.

The "Anti-Power Theft" Campaign aimed at curtailing the stealing of current by residents.

Speaking in an exclusive interview with the NEW DAWN, the Acting Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of LEC Mr. Monie R. Captan said strengthened actions have been launched against illegal power connections.

Mr. Captan has also strongly warned those involved in power theft to desist from such acts.

he said it undermines the values of the LEC, noting that power theft causes a huge loss in LEC's revenue generation.

He warned that any person, individual, group, or corporate body found to be engaged in meter bypass on the LEC network will be arrested and prosecuted.

"There's no distinction between big hands and small hands in the issue of power theft," Captan said.

"Anyone, individual, businesses, caught in the act that you are stealing will be arrested and prosecuted. There's no top government official business in stealing current. If you are caught you will be dealt with," Mr. Captan warned.

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