Liberia: 'Time for Warnings Is Over'

25 November 2022

-Chief Justice Yuoh warns LNBA, judges

Liberia's Chief Justice Sie-A-Nyene G. Yuoh has told lawyers, judges and magistrates across the country that the times for warning are over, saying it's now time for appropriate action on all established false impressions.

"The times for warning are over, and the time for requisite action for all established false impressions is now," Chief Justice Yuoh sounded the caveat Thursday, 24 November 2022 at the Liberia National Bar Association (LNBA) third Annual Convention.

Delivering a special remark at the LNBA convention in Paynesville, she said her administration is ready and prepared to take the necessary and appropriate action against any lawyers that will not do things appropriately.

She said she recently embarked on an acquaintance tour of magistrates within the bailiwick of the first judicial circuit, Montserrado County.

According to Chief Justice Yuoh, the tour is intended to obtain firsthand information about the conditions and the quality of the infrastructures hosting the courts.

She said it was meant to gather firsthand information about the efficiency of the staff and the quality of the work being done in the court of first instance.

"During my tour I noticed a concept of something call volunteering. In the judicial branch, there is no such concept or policy for volunteer," Chief Justice Yuoh said.

She noted that the volunteer policy is what judges as well as other court staff [use to] bring in people randomly and install them in the court as volunteers.

The Chief Justice noted that this is inimical to the judiciary, and therefore instructed that no judge should do such again.

"I again want to reiterate my calls and cautions to the magistrates, conduct the affairs of the respective assigned courts within the pale of the law," she said.

"And to accord utmost courtesy to the general public and party litigant. Utilize the medium available for us to use in channelling your grievances and other concerns rather than seeking an audience with the chief justice for self-purposes," she cautioned.

The LNBA on Thursday, 24 November 24, 2022, converged hundreds of lawyers at the Paynesville City Hall in celebration of its third annual convection 2022.

The annual convention which runs from November 24-25, is celebrated and organized under the them "Contemporary development in the law; Implication for Liberia's legal system."

The third annual convention examines programs and policies within the country's legal system and the organization's past working.

It is also intended to brainstorm on the way forward for the organization and the legal system of Liberia.

Earlier, LNBA president Cllr. Sylvester D. Rennie said the convention is consistent with the Bar's constitution.

He said the convention is the highest decision-making body of the association.

Cllr. Rennie revealed that, according to the constitution, lawyers gather to grace to occasion in the last week of November of every year.

"As we go through this convention for the next two days, I ask that all lawyers behave themselves, respond to issues and find solutions to some of the problems," he explained.

Served as guest speaker, Dr. Rowland Cole, Chief Technical Advisor and Head of UNDP'S Rule of Law Programmed Liberia, urged members of the LNBA to push for reform.

He urged them to ensure that measures are put in place to ensure there are much more effective, credible, and accessible justice systems.

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