Liberia: 'Your Fear to Bite Is Detrimental to Our Legal System'

25 November 2022

--Dr. Nelson tells lawyers

The President of the University of Liberia (UL) Prof. Dr. Julius J. S. Nelson, Jr. says any attempt for lawyers to be afraid to bite the bullet will be detrimental to the legal sector of Liberia.

Giving a special remark at the Liberia National Bar Association (LNBA) third annual convention in Paynesville Thursday, 24 November 2022, Dr. Nelson urged lawyers to keep and maintain the trust of transparency, accountability, integrity and honesty burning.

"I strongly urge you Mr. President, Chief Justice and everyone here, don't be afraid to bite the bullet. For your fear is detrimental to our legal sector. For your fear will negatively impact decisions for the less privileged," Dr. Nelson said.

The UL president noted further that lawyers' fear will also affect the disadvantaged, urging them to keep the touch of integrity and trustworthiness burning in Liberia.

Dr. Nelson indicated that he is of the strongest conviction that the law will suit and transform the contemporary reality because as things go by, system changes.

he noted that the processes will also change, and human rights will change because change is a constant thing that people cannot do without and cannot be compromised in the daily living.

"Your sector is not without its share of bad character. There will always be bad apple in life. Therefore, as you deliberate in this annual convention, I trust and hope that you will look at the harsh reality in the justice sector and make the hard decision that will eventually accumulate into a direction that will be for the betterment of our country," Dr. Nelson appealed.

He stated that he is convinced that most lawyers in Liberia are part of the Louis Arthur Grimes School of Law.

And because of that, he said as head of the primer institution of higher learning, he thanked the LNBA for its commitment, dedication and the impact it has made in Liberia's legal sector over the years.

For his part, the Dean of the Louis Arthur Grimes School of Law, University of Liberia, Cllr. Dr. Jallah A. Barbu expressed excitement over the annual convention and described it as a milestone achievement.

He said the law school is in transition because it is evolving, and introducing a lot of fresh ideas and development.

"We want to let you know, that at the law school several things are happening that call for the attention of the bar. We have had students leaving the law school and struggling to get experience," he said.

"It's important that our students have experience. Therefore, we are calling on law offices to kindly allow our students to intern in your office," he concluded.

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