Ghana: John Halm, Wife Donate to NDC Trobu Constituency

25 November 2022

Trobu — Dr John Halm, Chairman of Afiaman Ward C of the National Democratic Congress (NDC) in the Trobu Constituency of the Greater Accra Region, on Tuesday donated customised sign posts to the 14 wards of the party in the constituency for their offices and meeting grounds.

He was elected chairman forthe ward with his wife, Dr(Mrs) Penelope Halm, also elected women's organiser a year ago based on their long standing merits which saw new entrants and others retaining their seats.

Over the past decade Dr Halm has assisted with cash in payment of nomination forms for both branch executives, delegates, provision of buses for delegates and executives to and from electoral grounds, charitable donations to individuals, the aged, sponsorship of women empowerment in skills training, sports development and health screening.

Dr Halm said he and his wife made the gesture to uphold the long standing democratic and constitutional nature of the party and as ward chairman with his wife asthe women organiser, the sign posts would not only beautify the area and make the party attractive in the constituency but also provide information to members as to date, time, venue of activities as well as names of various wards for easier accessibility.

He pledged to make the youth assertive and employable to take constructive decisions, to make the constituency economically viable settlement, undertake comprehensive interventions to empower them through job creation opportunities, skills training, sports development, talent hunting and mentorship.

Dr Halm entreated members to be mindful of their health by taking the right precautions to stay strong and healthy in order to drive prolific working force.

Abdul Aziz Ayitey, Trobu Constituency chairman of the NDC, commended the couple for their love and commitment to the party and asked other philanthropists to emulate their gesture for the party to win the 2024 elections.

Kwabena Ayisi, NDC Communications Officer for Trobu Constituency, said the innovation of making the party attractive to people of Trobu was laudable and would make the party a haven to reckon with and assured members of good leadership to make Trobu a better place devoid ofthe many economic and societal vices the youth, women and the aged were going through.

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