Liberia: Federation of African Law Students President Cautions African Lawyers to Fight Against Menace Undermining Africans' Decent Existence

"Stop Grotesque Practices"

Monrovia-The newly inducted president of the Federation of African Law Students (FALAS) Siafa Bahn Kemokia says his leadership will work across the continent to fight against unlawful practices; something he says undermined the dignity of the people on the African continent.

Kemokia who got elected at the 2022 Annual Conference in Johannesburg, South Africa is a senior student at the Louis Arthur Grimes School of Law at the University of Liberia. He was inducted as president for the Federation of African Law Students (FALAS) at the Capitol Hill campus of the University of Liberia.

The Federation is the unifying body of all law students in Africa. It is recognized by the African Bar Association (AfBA) and various international associations and organizations. It is currently present in over thirty-two (32) African countries and has the unique mission of building a united network of African law students who are equipped with exposure and knowledge.

Giving his induction address, FALAS president told the gathering of academicians that the path to a bright future for the continent would be grossly undermined when the rights of people at the grassroots level are not protected.

"In the search for a just continent, my leadership would work across the continent, especially at the grassroots level, to fight against grotesque practices that undermined the African people's quest for a decent existence," Kemokia asserted.

He added: "This means that while we try to provide more opportunities for members to enhance their competitive edge and contribute to the task of continental transformation, the activist impulse of the organization would be fully activated."

"Suffice it to mean on issues such as national development strategies and grand concepts such as Africa Agenda 2063 and the Africa Continental Free Trade Area, our association will undoubtedly cast its lot with the people, arguing that development concepts take as their point of departure the interests of ordinary people in order to avoid elite capture, Kemokia furthered.

According to him, the history of FALAS in Africa is the history of a legal organization that takes its obligations to society seriously and understands that in building a new society, the rule of law, access to justice, and impartial application of the law are the basis for ensuring and maintaining peace and harmony on the African continent.

He added: "For years, FALAS has placed that at the forefront of its agenda, being seen by many as the go-to association for students of the legal profession in Africa by providing a foundation on which to build a contemporary judicial culture--one that is poised to be a far cry from the status quo."

FALAS president furthers: "Indisputably, a modern legal culture that reflects fairness, equality, and social justice doesn't only reflect universal values but is also significant in societies that are grappling with the malaises of poverty, inequality, and socioeconomic backwardness."

He furthered that the law cannot be seen as penalizing ordinary people while simultaneously tolerating the excesses of the wealthy and affluent in society.

He added: "The law refrains from being the plaything of the elite and thus serves as an instrument for the promotion of the virtues of equality and fairness. This goes without saying, like all professionals, lawyers must have a commitment to society and imbibe virtues that are essential for its forward march."

FALAS president added: "It is for this reason that we will seek partnerships and strengthen existing bonds with organizations such as the AU, ECOWAS and the ECOWAS Court, the United Nations (UN), the European Union (EU), the International Criminal Court (ICC), the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR), and various bar associations across the globe in order to ensure that our members are exposed to opportunities for advancement that would prove vital in tackling global challenges."

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