Liberia: Lofians Petitioned President Weah's Re-Election Bid

Voinjama City — Residents of Lofa County under the banner Lofa Association for Weah's 2nd Term have petitioned the 2nd term President George Weah to re-contest comes 2023 election.

The petition statement signed by 14 officials from the six political districts in the county was presented to the Minister of Finance and Development Planning Samuel Tweah in Voinjama City, Lofa County over the weekend.

Reading the petition statement, County Chair Person James J.N. Morlu of Kolahun says their decision to petition President Weah for his second term is based on the numerous developmental activities that the government has undertaken during the past five years.

The group, according to its County Chairman has membership spread across Lofa County with a numerical strength of over 15 thousand.

Chairman Morlu pointed to the Lofa road project, the payment of WASSCE fees, the construction of the 14 Military Hospital amongst others as tangibles that informed their decision to petition the Liberian President for a second term.

He added that the presence of Lofians in top ministerial positions in the Weah-led Government speaks volumes to the decision of Lofians to support the Liberian President.

"It is through the CDC-led Government headed by President George Weah that we are feeling the impact of government through our sons and daughters who are dominating in top ministerial positions" the Chairman noted.

Morlu lamented: "We (Lofians) were made to believe by past administrations that top ministerial positions were not for the children of bitter ball sellers but that has changed tremendously since the ascendency of the people-centered president."

Responding to the petition statement from the group, Finance Minister Samuel D. Tweah assured the group that he will convey their message of support to the President and accepted their request for him to serve as father if the association.

"You have now believe that this man is doing well for the Liberian people. And the evidence is not in what he says or what I say, the evidence is in what you are feeling or what you are seeing, and that is why you put this together. So I say thank you for being kind to the president" Minister Tweah said.

He added: "For choosing me to be your father for this movement, I will whole heatedly, gladly accept your preferment, but I will accept under one condition that this group stretches out throughout Lofa county. Your major focus and task are to send positive messages of development and change to all of our people because there are people who are bent on sending negative messages and misinformation to confuse our people. So your major work is to tell the people of Lofa county to continue to explain to them the reality the opportunities the challenges and all the good work President Weah has done for Liberia and for Lofa county."

The MFDP boss promised to work with the group in order to send the right kind of information to the people of Lofa as a means of addressing what he terms as misinformation in the public.

He maintained that he wanted the group to reach out to other Lofians and make them stop believing that their country is not developing.

"Let them know that their country is going somewhere because they see the evidence. They should not listen to people who want to bring Liberia down," he said.

"There are people in the political space who wants to bring the country down, so they can go up. You know you don't have to bring the country down for you to go up" Tweah lamented.

However, the MFDP Minister assured the people of Lofa of the Government of Liberia fullest support for the pavement of their road.

He said: "Before your never used to see a yellow machine on the road, yellow machine there now. The President specifically instructed me that when I come here, I must sit down with the public works people who are here the resident people, the county development officers for us to get a full understanding of the road situation and today we are going to have that meeting".

Minister Tweah maintained that Lofa road project is a priority to the President of Liberia, stressing "As we speak right now, the president where he is, he has the Lofa road on his mind. You see him meeting with leaders in Qatar good things happening we can't talk all now. But when the time comes y'all will know that the president is really representing our people".

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