Ghana: Sustain Marriages to Receive God's Continuous Blessings ... Christians Told

29 November 2022

Christians have been admonished to sustain and honour their marriages, which are gifts from God and highly cherished by the church, and society in order to receive the continuous blessing of God.

Rev. Fr Samuel Osei Kuffour, the Kenyasi Parish Priest of the Catholic Church, noted that marriage must be permanent and no other factor should cause its dissolution, adding that what God had joined, no man must separate it.

The Parish Priest stated this on Saturday at Kenyasi in the Ahafo Region, at a Mass Wedding service for 12 couples within the Parish, as part of activities to mark "Christ the King Week" celebration of the church.

The Mass Wedding was an annual programme of the Parish where couples who had not been able to bless their marriages according to the tenant of Christianity, used the opportunity to present their marriage to the Lord.

Every expenses during the mass wedding including the clothing of all the beneficiaries, transport, venue and decoration among others, were bored by the church, as an opportunity to attract many couples to bless their marriages.

Preaching the sermon on the theme, "marriage and family life are gift to humankind", the Parish Priest stressed that marriage embraced integrity, humility, love, unity, peace and respect for God and mankind.

The Parish Priest admonished the couples to stay focused in effective prayer life, learn and practice the word of God, communicate with each other and avoid every ungodly counseling, to sustain the marriage.

Rev. Kuffour urged the couples to respect, honour, and cherish each other in order to sustain the marriage, which must be emulated by the unmarried youth, saying that "God is always with happy couples."

He said Christian couples after performing customary rites in the house, presented their marriages for blessing in the church, but later went to radio and television stations, and courts for discussion of their marital disputes.

The Parish Priest encouraged the couples to present their marital issues to the church for counseling, guidance, prayers and sometimes physical assistance adding that "this is the way to good Christian life."

The Parish Priest indicated that "husbands and wives must most time visit Pastors and counsellors to praise their partners for good deeds done. It shouldn't always be complaints".

Rev. Kuffour was optimistic that the mass wedding programme, which removed all financial burdens and expenses among couples in the Kenyasi parish, would be sustained to benefit other partners in the future.

Mr and Mrs Osei Assibey Bonsu, on behalf of the beneficiary couples, expressed gratitude to Rev. Kuffour and the Parish, for financing all the expenses of the mass wedding saying that this is truly the role of the church.


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