Ghana: President Akufo-Addo - Economy Will Improve

29 November 2022

President Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo has stated that the government is working hard to improve the economy in spite of the current challenges.

He assured that Ghana would be back on the way to prosperity.

"I assure you that we shall get over this and our country shall be back on the way to prosperity. Every one of us has a role to play in this effort," he added.

The Minister for the Interior, Ambrose Dery, gave the assurance when he represented President Nana Akufo-Addo at the grand durbar of chiefs and people of Aflao at the 25th anniversary of the enstoolment of TorgbuiAdzonugagaAmenyaFiti V, paramount chief of Aflao Traditional Area and president of the Aflao Traditional Council.

The occasion was also the Aflao Godigbe Festival 2022 of the people of Aflao.

Mr Dery urged the people of Aflao to use the festival to respect and tolerate each other, as the nation needs every person to help in its development agenda.

"We should bear in mind that we are one people, with a common destiny. Let us therefore strive together to build a healthy Ghana for us all," he said.

The Minister said they should work assiduously to ensure that they live in a peaceful and healthy environment and support the traditional authorities, government and leadership of the district assembly to succeed.

The anniversary which was on the theme; "25 years of Inspirational Leadership: Restoration of Right and Privileges of Flawu-Kpoklidukor' was to thank the ancestors and the Almighty God for the past years' events and also to offer prayers for good health, prosperity and reconciliation.

The Minister noted that the existence of peace and security are the prerequisite for economic development in any country and that Ghana as a country has been blessed overtime to remain stable and peaceful.

He noted that for the last two consecutive years, the country has been rated the second most peaceful in Africa after the Island of Mauritius and that investors the world over want to put their resources where they can work without fear of threat to peace and security.

He also said the peace and stability in Ghana make it an attractive destination in that regard. He called on all to join hands and play their role to ensure peace, security and development.

The Minister assured the people that government is providing the necessary support to enable the security agencies make good their mandates.

He noted that the security situation in the Ketu South Municipality was generally stable and that the Municipal Security Council in collaboration with the state security agencies in the municipality are working very hard to ensure that peace prevails in the municipality and the country at large.

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