Malawi Reduces Malaria Deaths By 50 Percent

MSF teams treating the different water points in the village of Ara in the commune of Bandé in the department of Magaria in south of Niger - since June 2021, we launched water treatment activities in 15 villages in the commune of Bandé in Magaria, south of Niger, to prevent the development of the mosquito larvae into full grown mosquitoes aiming at decreasing the malaria cases (file photo).
1 December 2022

Officials from the ministry of health say Malawi has cut malaria deaths by 50 percent from 23 deaths per 100,000 population in 2016 to 12 deaths per 100,000 in 2021.

Secretary for Health Dr. Charles Mwansambo revealed the news in Mchinji during the launch of the extension for malaria vaccination sites.

"We have reduced the mortality rate for malaria due to mass and routine distribution of nets, indoor residual spraying, and case management among others.

"For this reason, we have added another intervention (malaria vaccination exercise) we have launched today which on its own can reduce malaria disease by 33 percent.

"However, all these measures need to be followed so that we can eliminate the disease by 2030," Mwansambo said.

The malaria vaccination is courtesy of the Malawi Government with financial and technical support from its partners like WHO, PATH and UNICEF.

The exercise will be implemented in 11 districts targeting 330,000 under-five children. WHO recommended wide vaccination against malaria in African countries after a successful pilot phase in Malawi, Ghana and Kenya.

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