Liberia: 'Liberia's Redemption a Must'

--Cllr. Gongloe

Renowned Liberian human rights lawyer and presidential hopeful Cllr. Tiawan Saye Gongloe says the redemption of Liberia is a necessity and a matter of must, not a matter of choice.

"Redeeming Liberia is [a] matter of must, and not a choice for people to make because this country is not a normal country," Gongloe said during a rally in the United States on 29 November 2022.

Over the weekend, the human rights lawyer held a rally for his presidential bid in the upcoming presidential and legislative elections with scores of Liberians in Brooklyn, Minnesota, in the United States of America.

In an interview with the VOA recently, Gongloe said Liberia is in the intensive care unit and the issue about redeeming Liberia isn't about making choices.

Instead, Cllr. Gongloe stated that it's a necessity and a matter of must because this country is not a normal functioning country.

He suggested that as someone who has been advocating for this country throughout his life, he strongly believes that Liberia can become a better country.

Gongloe recalled how he went to prison in 1972 and was tortured due to the love he has for Liberia.

However, Cllr. Gongloe expressed optimism about a better Liberia, adding that a better Liberia is possible only when those who serve the country show love and do not steal from the country which they claim to love.

The veteran human rights lawyer noted that because of corruption in Liberia, many pregnant women have died, and the country is among the ten countries in the world that are noted for the deaths of pregnant women.

"Liberia is among the countries that reported the highest deaths of infant mortality rate where children die and the reason is due to lack of responsible leadership," Gongloe said.

"Instead of advocating throughout and people not listening, this time I have come as a transformer, I have come to transform the lives of citizens and to prevent another situation that will cause the lives of another 300,000 Liberians," said Gongloe.

Provoked by the alleged continued lawlessness on the part of the Weah-led government, Cllr. Gongloe said he will run for the nation's highest office.

"I am running to be President because of lawlessness in the country. For a long time in our country, our government had not been able to govern by the rule of law and it has undermined public trust," Cllr. Gongloe said.

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