Liberia: Saudi Govt Assures Liberia U.S.$2 Million

Monrovia — The government and people of the kingdom of Saudi Arabia through its Ambassador Abdullah Bin Hamad AlsoBaiee has assured the government of Liberia of US$2 million donation for renovation works of Liberia's Foreign Ministry.

Amb. Abdullah Bin Hamad AlsoBaiee made the pronouncement on Monday at a ceremony held at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Monrovia during a donation of 50 metric tons of Dates to the people and government of Liberia (GOL).

He said the US$2 million donation for renovation works at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs is part of an effort of the Saudi Fund for Development in Liberia that includes US$500,000 towards food assistance.

"The Saudi Fund for Development is carrying out some level of development in the country including US$500,000 food assistance and US$2 million donation for the renovation of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs," Amb. Abdullah Bin Hamad AlsoBaiee affirmed.

According to him, in the next coming days there will be more cooperation with the two countries where the head of the Saudi kingdom is expected to visit Liberia and meet with Muslims and non-Muslims.

Saudi Gov't Donates 50 Metric Tons of Dates

Presenting the food item, the Saudi Ambassador on behalf of the people of Saudi Arabia has donated 50 metric tons of dates to the people and government of Liberia.

A date, an eatable commodity, is an iconic symbol of Arabian hospitality that contained nutrients and is famous for a break of fast during the Holy Month of Ramadan.

The dates were donated on Monday, November 28, 2022, by the Ambassador of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Abdullah Bin Hamad AlsoBaiee and subsequently turnover to the Acting Foreign Minister Thelma E. Sawyer, Internal Affairs Minister Varney Sirleaf and staff of the Foreign Affairs Ministry, as well as members of the Muslim community of Liberia at a ceremony held.

The donation is a symbolic bilateral relationship between the two countries. Presenting the food item, the Saudi Ambassador said that the donation demonstrates the level of relationship between the two countries.

"I have the honor to sign this gift given by the kingdom of Saudi Arabia. This reflects the level of relationship between the two countries and the understanding that exists between the two leaders," he said.

Receiving the item, Acting Foreign Affairs Minister Thelma Sawyer expressed gratitude for and on behalf of the government and people of Liberia to the Saudi government for all of its assistance to Liberia.

"You have contributed to the health sector and your plan to renovate this Foreign Affairs Ministry. We want to assure you that we are very much thankful for whatever assistance you have provided to our Ministry. We appreciate your government and we will continue to make sure that this bond of friendship continues to grow," she said.

Also speaking, Internal Affairs Minister Varney Sirleaf expressed the government's gratitude to witness the signing ceremony that brings food items for the Muslim community and the entire Liberian citizenry.

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