Liberia: Four Rioters Jailed for Protesting Against Lewis Brown During Radio Appearance

Monrovia — The Liberia National Police have detained four persons for their actions displayed Tuesday night against Lewis Brown, a leading member of presidential hopeful Alexander Cummings.

It can be recalled, some members believed to be pro-government supporters stormed the offices of Voice of Liberia, a radio station in Monrovia in protest while Brown was on air rallying Liberians to turn out to participate in a planned protest against the government scheduled for December 17.

The LNP on Thursday disclosed they have arrested and detained Henry Jallah, Francis Mawolo and two others for rioting and forwarded them to the Monrovia Central Prison pending investigation.

The police charge sheet noted they were forced to call for support from the Police Support Unit (PSU) after thugs had besieged the station's premises awaiting Brown a situation that sparked conflict between rival group believed to be members of the opposition Alternative National Congress (ANC) of Alexander Cummings.

According to the LNP, that they requested the "pro government protesters to abandon their actions but it yielded no results", which prompted the LNP to free passage of Mr. Brown and his men who had appeared with him on air.

In the process, according to the LNP, the defendants broke the back windshield of a vehicle belonging to the LNP costing US$ 250.00.

"Based on that they were arrested as the LNP managed to swiftly carry away Mr. Brown in his vehicle and his men from the scene," the police said

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