Liberia: Ruling CDC Postpones President Weah's Nomination Because of Festive Season

Monrovia — The ruling Coalition for Democratic Change (CDC) has announced that the party has postponed the much-talk nomination of President George Weah's candidacy to allow Liberians celebration festive season. Instead of December 20, 2022, the new date is set for February 4, 2023.

The CDC earlier set December 20, 2022, as the day for the national nomination of President Weah to contest the Presidency on the party's ticket for the second term comes 2023 elections.

However, addressing the media at the CDC headquarters on Friday in Congo Town after the just ended party's primary, Mulbah Morlu, the Chairman of CDC disclosed that the change in the date was caused by an appeal from President Weah, their standard bearer.

According to Chairman Morlu, the Liberian leader officially wrote the National Executive Committee of the CDC requesting the postponement of the ceremony to allow the citizens across the country to have time focus and celebrate the festive season.

"So, the President wrote the Executive Committee and pleaded. Imagine the President of our country. He said I am pleading to you that during the many political challenges that is with the opposition, during what they perceived as their plan to undermine the rule of law," Morlu said.

"He said, "I know the country is mobilized. I know the people are prepared to nominate me. I know there are plans to lock down ATS, party headquarters, and turn Monrovia into a blue day. He said I know all these plans and I am grateful but go back to the executive committee and please I am pleading that we postpone the nomination and that we go into the festive season, enjoy their Christmas celebration and we can have our nomination in February 2023," CDC Morlu said.

"He said to me that I always placed people over political. Because of my regard for my people, because of my desire to the people go through the Christmas season, let us postpone the nomination," Morlu quoting President Weah said.

Morlu also stress that despite the postponement of the program, the mobilization couple with the enthusiast remains in tight as they have planned to increase their mobilization and galvanize their partisans and sympathizers for what he terms as the most colorful event in the history of CDC.

The CDC Chairman stressed that the gathering will be the biggest of all the gathering in CDC's history. He maintains that program held at the Antoinette Tubman Stadium in Monrovia.

Chairman Morlu further admonished members of the CDC throughout the country to make their way to the Roberts International Airport to officially welcome back to the country, President George Weah on December 18, 2022.

Ahead of the nomination of President Weah for the presidency, the party Chair disclosed that they are seeing the enthusiasm, adding that citizens and partisans in everywhere they have been chanting the slogan, "No vacancy" for the Presidency.

Morlu furthers that based on the tremendous work done over the years for the country by the CDC-led government the people are resolved to reelecting President Weah next year.

"The blue (the CDC's official color) wall has been erected in the southeastern part of Liberia. The CDC is a party of defense and will ensure the historic re-election of President Weah in 2023."

"At the program, the CDC will break its own record. We do not reject the opposition criticism, but nothing can stop the first-round victory of President Weah. The planned protest by the opposition is meant to counter the progress and momentum of the CDC as demonstrated by their internal motive," Morlu asserted.

Also, Mulbah Morlu has disclosed that the party will have an elaborate children's party both at the national headquarters and other parts across the country on December 24, 2022.

The CDC strongman said the program is President George Weah's project aims at putting smile on the faces of those irrespective of their parents' political affiliation.

He however noted that during the festive season, the CDC as a party will reach out to the old folks will across the country adding that they will be greeted with honor in every district across the country.

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