Ghana: Biography of Prof. Justice Henrietta Mensa-Bonsu Launched in Accra

12 December 2022

A Supreme Court Judge, Professor Justice Henrietta Joy Mensa-Bonsu has entreated the leadership of the country to ensure that incidents or situations that can jeopardise peace and lead to war are prevented.

According to Prof. Justice Mensa-Bonsu, she was always filled with grief whenever she recounts how she witnessed the men of the Methodist Church in Liberia held a candle lightning ceremony in 2006 in remembrance of those who died during the siege of Monrovia in 2003. She explained that, such was the situation Ghana could face if the peace of the country was jeop-ardised, hence, the need to guard against it.

Prof. Justice Mensa-Bonsu said these during the launch of her book, Titled "JOY: A Biography of Henri-etta Mensa-Bonsu" in Accra last Friday, written by Mr Kofi Akpabli and published by the Excellence Printing and Publishing (EPP) Books Services.

The 412 paged book with 22 Chapters details the life of the Su-preme Court Judge including her personal, social, family, academic and professional life both in Gha-na and abroad.

"Maintaining our peace and working through our problems within a peaceful Ghana is what holds a good future for all of us, particularly those of us with our years ahead of us," she said.

She said "Those of us entrusted in leadership must always keep an eye on the social temperature of the politic and must maintain our social conditions. It must never be forgotten that some people profit by war and will stop at nothing to promote their social interest."

Prof. Justice Mensa-Bonsu also bemoaned lack of trust and confidence Ghanaians had in other Ghanaians who occupied various leadership positions.

She indicated that while most Africans had trust and confidence in her during his time as the Unit-ed Nations UN Secretary-General Special Representative for the rule of law in the UN Mis-sion in Liberia, some Ghana-ians doubted her abilities as reported by her Sierra Leonean Secretary.

The Supreme Court Judge therefore urged Ghanaians to have confidence in those who occupied various leadership positions as they were globally competitive.

The Biographer of the book, Mr Akpabli in a brief remark acknowledged the contributions of certain individuals towards the publication while recount-ing the inaugural speech by Prof. Justice Mensa-Bonsu after being elevated to the position of a Professor at the University of Ghana, Legon.

On her part, the Dean of the School of Information and Communications at the UG, Legon, Prof. Audrey Gadzek-po described the celebrant as a disciplinarian, hardworking, and selfless person with a deep sense of humour.

Launching the book, the Chairman of the Council, University of Environment and Sustainable Development, Professor (Mr) Jonathan Narh Ayertey, said the book was significant because it revealed certain aspect about the life of the celebrant which was un-known to many.

He therefore urged the general public and academia, especially, law students to purchase the book in order to broaden their knowledge.

The book was reviewed by Law Practitioner and Journalist, Mr Samson Lardy Anyenini with the forward written by the Omanhene of Asokore Traditional Area in the Ashanti region, Nana Dr S.K.B Asante.

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