Liberia: No Govt's Allotment for NCSM

... As Arcelor Mittal Liberia Becomes Prime Sponsor

Deputy Minister for Development at the Ministry of Youth and Sports Isaac Doe has disclosed that the Ministry is yet to get support for the National County Sports Meet as this year's sports meet is peace, reconciliation, and unity.

Doe made the statement following the regular Thursday press briefing at the Ministry of Information, Cultural Affairs and Tourism on December 8, 2022; that this year's edition of the National County Sports Meet is the bicentennial edition.

According to him, the National County Sports Meet will officially begin on December 17, 2022; in Grand Bassa County.

He mentioned that the funding from the Government of Liberia is yet to be provided through the Ministry of Finance for the National County Sports Meet.

He outlined that Group A comprises Grand Bassa County, River Cee County, Grand Cape Mount County and Grand Gedeh County; Group B comprises Bong County, Margibi County, Gbarpolu County and Sinoe County.

With inclusion, Group C comprises Lofa County, Nimba County, Bomi County and River Gee County; and Group D comprises Maryland County, Montserrado County, and Grand Kru County.

He mentioned that this year National County Sport Meet is sponsored by Arcelor Mittal Liberia Limited for Peace Reconciliation and Unity.

He noted, that "this year's National County Sport Meet Arcelor Mittal Liberia is our proud sponsor".

He noted that there are other sponsors for the National County Sport Meet this year, but Arcelor Mittal Liberia Limited is our headline sponsor.

According to him, this year's Arcelor Mittal Liberia Limited has provided the amount of two hundred fifty thousand United States dollars as part of their support to the National County Sports Meet.

"We have provided the amount of seven thousand each to the fifteen counties of Liberia for preparation; until the funding from the Government of Liberia can be prepared, he noted".

He stated, that "the amount of two thousand was also given to the four counties that are hosting the first stage of the National County Sport Meet".

He mentioned that as part of Arcelor Mittal Liberia's sponsorship and operations in Nimba, Bong and Grand Bassa Counties, they provided additional funding to those counties.

He noted, that "based on the investment in Nimba County, they provided ten thousand and because they operate through Bong County to Grand Bassa County, they provided seven thousand five hundred each".

According to him, the National County Sport Meet is the biggest sporting event in Liberia that brings together citizens from various counties through sport with peace unity and reconciliation.

"We urged all citizens to support their counties no matter your political parties to come together and support your county", he added.

He stated, that "the National County Sports Meet is not a political arena to select your political parties".

Despite, our political differences it is our responsibility to support our various counties to success.

Doe, urged citizens within the fifteen counties to be peaceful during the National County Sports Meet.

"Do not go there wanting to win at all cause at the detriment of the Liberian people, he pointed out"

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