Liberia: NEC Updates Political Parties

The National Elections Commission (NEC), hosted a one-day Inter-Party Consultative Committee (IPCC), meeting for Registered Political Parties in Liberia to give them first-hand information on the progress leading to the conduct of the October 10 2023 General Elections in Liberia.

The Chairperson of NEC, Madam Browne Lansanah briefed political party executives on the current status of the Biometric Voter Registration (BVR), and the procurement process leading to the no objective from the Public Procurement and Concession Committee (PPCC), as well as the selection of Laxton Group, who emerged as the most responsive bidder for the BVR contract.

However, the NEC Boss informed political parties' executives that the Commission has not awarded any contract to any Vendor to procure BVR equipment and materials for the biometric voter registration exercise.

She said, currently a four-member delegation from Laxton Group, headed by Nick Perkins, President of Europe, Middle East, and Africa, and Senior Technicians of the NEC are having a series of technical discussions leading to the awarding of a BVR contract for the registration exercise.

The NEC Boss assured executives of political parties that all preparations leading to the conduct of free, fair, transparent and credible election come 10 October 10, 2023 are moving according to plans.

A NEC's statement issued Thursday said, the IPCC meeting, chaired by the Chairperson of the NEC, Madam Davidetta Browne Lansanah was highly attended by Senior Executives of political parties including Chairpersons, Vice Chairpersons, and Secretary Generals. All seven members of the Board of Commissioners (BOC), of NEC attended the IPCC meeting on the compound of the Commission on 9th Street in Sinkor.

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