Ghana: Radio Progress in UWR Launches 25th Anniversary

13 December 2022

Radio Progress, the first radio and community radio station in the Upper West Region has launched its 25th anniversary celebration with a call on stakeholders to support the ser-vices of community radio stations to ensure they work effectively for the development of their respec-tive communities and the nation at large.

The anniversary is on the theme "Radio Progress @25, a star of development of the Upper West Region".

Addressing participants at the launch, the Executive Council Chairman of Radio Progress, Dr Damasus Tuurosong, congratulat-ed management of the station for the quality service delivery in the region and advised them to always introduce more creative and educa-tive programmes in order to equip its audience with more knowledge.

He commended past manage-ment and staff for the role they played in getting the station to its current state, and appealed to the current management and staff of the stations to make development a topmost priority as he believed radio had the power to change the lives of individuals and commu-nities.

Dr Tuurosong said radio was a powerful tool and could be used to educate people to channel their energies positively to improve upon their lives, but was also quick to add that it could also be used to misdirect people when used negatively.

He challenged management and staff of the station to be creative so as to compete with other radio stations within and outside the region.

The Station Coordinator of Radio Progress, Mr Ivan Awudu Domasaa, thanked management and staff for their hard work which had brought the station this far and assured citizens in the region that the station would continue to bring innovative programmes for the benefit of all.

He said as a community radio station in the region, their top-most priority was to disseminate educative information to the public and sensitise them to happenings in society, especially those in rural areas.

Mr Domasaa said the station ran quality programmes on health, human interest, sports, music and entertainment with focus on com-munity stories.

"Looking into the faces of the vibrant management and staff of the station, I have no doubt that the station would prevail over all other stations in the next 25 years and beyond, we shall work hard for the wherewithal to fulfill another dream of the people in the region by setting up progress television," he said.

He mentioned that the station had contributed immensely to im-proving the livelihood of individ-uals across the region, through its educative programs and talk shows.

Radio Progress was established in 1997. It started as a social com-munity department of the Catholic Church in Wa and later became the first radio station in the region that broadcast its own programs until the establishment of Radio Upper West and other radio stations.

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