Ghana: Completely Scrap Vat On Sale of Mobile Phones, Accessories - MPADA

13 December 2022

Government should completely scrap the Value Added Tax (VAT) on the sale of Mobile Phones and their accessories in Ghana, says Mr Joseph Osei Agyemang, the president of the Mobile Phones and Accessories Dealers Associa-tion (MPADA).

According to him, although the government had changed the VAT on mobile phones to the communication service tax, it was still in the books of the Ghana Revenue Authority and needed to be removed.

He said this at the climax of the 10 years anniversary cele-bration of MPADA held on the theme "Ten years of enhancing telecommunications through mobile phones, accessories and computers," in Accra yesterday.

Highlighting some of the suc-cesses chalked by the association, he said MPADA in collaboration with the Nima divisional police command has been able to reduce crime within the Kwame Nkru-mah Circle area.

He commended the Ministry of Trade and Industry, Ministry of Communication and Digi-talisation and the Ghana Union of Traders Association for their unflinching support to the associ-ation, which had led to the growth of the businesses of members.

He further appealed to the government to significantly re-duce the import duties on mobile phones and its accessories in order to make it affordable to all Ghanaians as it would support the government's digitalisation agenda.

"With government's introduc-tion of digitalisation policy, more of computers and mobile phones are needed to help maintain the policy, hence the need for govern-ment to support the success of our business," he explained.

He expressed worry over the increasing number of foreigners venturing into retail business in the country, saying that it was cre-ating unfair competition between the locals and foreigners, and if not checked would lead to the collapse of most businesses.

He hinted that MPADA was committed to ensuring that all persons involved in the sale of mobile phones and its accessories were brought under one umbrella to obtain the necessary support from the government and all stakeholders.

On the depreciation of the Cedi, he said the government needed to develop sustainable solutions to stabilise the cedi as it was increasing the cost of im-porting goods and reducing their profit margin.

He revealed that MPADA was committed to collaborating with various stakeholders to promote digital literacy in the country and also ensure all persons had access to technology in the country.

Meanwhile, some members of MPADA were rewarded with cita-tions and other items for their role in ensuring technological advance-ment in the country and their immense contribution towards the growth of the association.

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