Ghana: Violence At NDC Election ... Police Place 16 On Wanted List

13 December 2022

The police has declared 16 people wanted for violent disturbances at the National Democratic Congress Youth and Women's Congress held at Cape Coast last Saturday.

Following violent disturbances at the NDC's National Youth and Women's Congress held at Cape Coast in the Central Region on December 10, 2022, 16 people have so far been declared wanted in con-nection with the violence, the police said in a statement.

"While proceedings were ongoing at the Congress two rival groups violently clashed throwing stones, blocks, sticks, clubs, chairs among others, causing injury to three persons and destruction to prop-erty," the police said.

"The intervention of the police brought the situation under control for the pro-cesses to continue to the end without any further incident."

After an initial review of police-specific video footages of the event, 16 suspects have so far been identified as some of the people involved in the violence and have been declared wanted.

A GH¢10,000.00 reward has been set aside for any member of the public who can provide credible information to the police that can lead to the arrest of any of the suspects.

The photographs of the 16 wanted persons extracted from the police specif-ic-footages have been published by the police for the public to assist.

Investigation is ongoing to further iden-tify and arrest other perpetrators involved in the violence to face justice.

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