Liberia: Cellular Giants Orange, Lonestar Cell Summoned in Murder Case

Monrovia — Criminal Court 'A' has subpoenaed Orange and Lonestar Cell MTN to produce the call logs in other to provide evidence of calls made between Defendant Patrick Kollie and Deputy Police Inspector for Operation, Melvin Sackor on the morning of the incident which led to the death of victim Valentine Johnson.

Judge Roosevelt Willie's decision stemmed after lawyer representing Defendant Kollie prayed the court for several Subpoenas after Defendant Kollie testified to disprove several statements written on his behalf by the Liberia National Police, linking him to the alleged murder.

The police Charge Sheet had noted that Defendant Kollie escaped the scene of the incident and was later arrested at its Central Office when the defendant had been escorted by a friend, whose name the document failed to name.

However, Defendant Kollie, during his testimony, asserted that he placed a call to Deputy Inspector of Police, Marvin Sackor, who led him to the Liberia National Police Central Office, contrary to the Police Charge Sheet that noted that he went with a friend.

This prompted Defense lawyers to request the court to Subpoena both Defendant Kollie and Inspector Sackor's call logs from the two GSM companies on the day of the incident.

However, the court granted Defense lawyer's request to Subpoena the two GSM companies for their call logs to ascertain the date and time between July 3 & 4 as to whether the defendant ever called Inspector Sackor.

At the same time, Judge Willie in his ruling said that the call log would enable the court to find out whether or not there was any call made between the defendant and officer on any of the dates.

Hetherefore, ordered the clerk to do a communication to both GSM companies and submit the call log for each of the GSM company's records as dated, be forwarded to the court latest Wednesday, December 14.

Meanwhile, Defense lawyers have also requested the Clerk of the Monrovia City Court to appear and produce minutes from the pretrial examination held at the court, while the clerk of Criminal Court 'A' should be made to also produce a statement of witnesses that appeared before the Grand Jury to obtain a true Bill of the indictment.

At the same time, the case is expected to continue on Thursday, December 15.

Defendant Kollie is being litigated on allegation of murder after the Grand Jury of Montserrado County indicted him for his alleged link to the death of Johnson, an incident that took place in the early morning hours of July 4.

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