Ghana: Mahama - We're Facing Harshest Moment Under 4th Republic

10 December 2022

Former President John Mahama has stated that the citizenry are currently experiencing the harshest moment under the Fourth Republic.

"In the last six years, Ghanaians have witnessed a reckless government that has taken a wrecking ball to our economy, leaving it in a very sorry state, rivalling some of the worst economies in the world," he decried.

According to the former president, the country was in a worst state today than at any time in the history of the Fourth Republic with high levels of corruption, hardships due to bad economic and financial policies, hungry and angry people, loss of investments, no credible reforms among a host of others.

Narrating the alleged brutalities that characterised the 2020 elections, former President Mahama pointed out that events in the last elections were the first to have occurred under the current dispensation which were unfortunate and a disappointment.

"Two years ago, for the first time in the history of our country, a president and the government unleashed armed men who brutally killed eight innocent citizens including a child during voting and collationof results however, we must not throw our hands in despair since we are a strong, resilient, creative, innovative, focused people and we should not give up and we will not give up," former President Mahama intimated.

On behalf of the National Democratic Congress (NDC), himself as the 2020 presidential candidate, thanked all Ghanaians who two years ago sacrificed their time and went to the polls to vote for parliamentary candidates of NDC and him and also commended them for participating in the elections for their help, support and assistance in consolidating democracy and rule of law.

The former president again, extend sympathies to the families of all who lost their lives and to the victims of all forms of violence perpetrated by the insensitive Akufo-Addo-led administration and pledged that NDC would investigate state-sponsored atrocities and apply sanctions to those found culpable and would provide appropriate compensation for those who had lost lives and limbs.

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