Liberia: Koijee's Question Chocks CPP

The Secretary General of the Congress for Democratic Change-CDC Jefferson T.Koijee's Debate Questions thrown choked CPP's December 17-We tired suffering protest Objectives With the Protest Momentum " Cold like Dog-Nose"- 5 days left to the Protest.

The Secretary General of the Congress for Democratic Change, Jefferson Koijee has questioned the integrity of those calling for a planned December 17 protest under the banner "we tired suffering".

According to Mayor Koijee , the proponents of the so-called protest are examples of Liberia's painful past and as such, they should be more concerned about repentance not protest.

" Who are those calling for protest? It's the likes of Lewis Brown, a certified killer who served as an advisor for a regime that was responsible for the gruesome and ruthless murder of innocent and defenseless citizens? It's Lewis Brown who requested the decapitation of Senator Milton Teahjay after Teahjay critically spoke about the mass looting of resources in the southeastern region of the state? Or it is the same Lewis who served as Information Minister of a government that pillaged the resources of Liberia for 12-unbroken years ?".

According to Mayor Koijee, Lewis Brown's call for a " we tired suffering protest" when he sumptuously lives in the state after years of mass looting is an outright contemptuous mockery to the Liberian people.

The Secretary General-elect for the ruling Congress for Democratic Change (CDC) Jefferson Tamba Koijee branded former Liberia's Permanent Representative to the United Nations Lewis Brown as a "certified killer".

Mayor Koijee made the allegation recently at the CDC- press conference in Monrovia. He claimed that Amb. Brown is a well-'certified killer' who needs repentance.

According to the Mayor, during Liberia's 14 years of armed conflict, Mr. Brown requested the head of now Sinoe County Senator J. Milton Teahjay, who the Mayor said, spoke against the alleged looting of state coffers by Taylor's regime.

"Brown served as Security Advisor to Charles Taylor, at which time he wanted to kill Teahjay and Teahjay ran in New Kru Town where he was rescued by the people of Kru Town," Koijee asserted.

The newly elected Secretary General of the CDC urged the former Information Minister to rally Bishops and Prelates across the country to pray for his repentance instead of rallying people to protest against the CDC government, saying "repent, Lewis Brown."

He indicated that Amb. Brown should not use the opposition Alternative National Congress (ANC) as a shield to demonstrate his alleged rebel behavior.

The CDC SG noted that Amb. Brown should ask God for forgiveness for the bad deeds he reportedly did in the country instead of putting people in the street in the name of a suffering protest that is slated for December 17 of this year, noting that Mr. Brown needs a rigorous systemic and political cleansing.

He said the former Chief Security to former President Charles Taylor should lead a march of repentance.

Mayor Koijee at the same time admitted that everything is not alright in the country but proponents of said purposeless protest should not use the conditions of the people to score political points because they are the real victimizers of the people.

" We will not accept you wicked people and state destroyers masquerading here as saints. You are group of deceptive people who amassed Ill-gotten worth at the expense of the ordinary people in this country for several years and the people know you very well, they know how cruel you are and this is the reason they will continuously distance themselves from your already failed protest. The people know expressly that only President George Weah can provide them alternative solutions coupled with economic security and political stability, not you that are responsible for their suffering " Mayor Koijee averred.

The youthful SG also referred to Lewis Brown as a classic political comedian whose action continues to manifest his perennial comical drama all geared towards milking the resources of ANC Political Leader Alexander Cummings, the same way he siphoned the resources of the state during the regimes of from Presidents Taylor and Sirleaf.

It seems that the Mayor allegations leveled against the former Security Advisor to Charles Taylor Lewis Brown has taken him off-balance as the " we tired suffering protest" seems to die perpetually with zero momentum barely 4 days to its planned date.

Many Liberians believed that the lead campaigner of the "we tired suffering" protest is a bad messenger of said message and that his planned protest is mired by absurdness.

It can be recalled that on December 1, 2022, the chairman of Team Cummings announced a planned mass protest to call the attention of the government to what it referred to as the harsh suffering citizens are currently undergoing, something Liberians from every corner have stiffly opposed.

The ANC stalwart revealed on December 17, the Liberian people will have a chance to speak out their voices even at a time the government has proven to be deaf and blind to their plights, but political skeptics have said the selection of Mr. Brown who has aided and abided as well as participated in the suffering of Liberians have undercut the fundamental essence of said fruitfulness protest.

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