Nigeria: Insecurity - Your Promise to Bequeath Safe Nigeria Under Threat, Coalition Tells Buhari

15 December 2022

Abuja — A coalition of civil society groups pushing for emplacement of sound security system in Nigeria have called on President Muhammadu Buhari to immediately purge himself of enemies of the country working to sabotage his administration's gains in the sector.

The group operating under the aegis of Coalition of Civil Society for Security Reform and Governance, alleged that a cabal in the president's federal administration was preventing security reform in Nigeria because of their various selfish interests.

In a statement on Wednesday, the coalition said unless the president rises to the occasion of relieving those glaringly holding down his administration's progress especially in the security sector,his promise of bequeathing a better secured country to the citizens would be wishful thinking.

The coalition's statement, signed by its national coordinator, Dr Mohammed Gidado and national secretary, Dr Mrs Funke Egbagbe, insisted that the president must immediately

purge himself of the influence of the cabals who are against security architecture reforms in the country.

The civil society group which decried the consistent attacks on offices of the Independent National Electoral Commission, INEC, across the country,said the development had made restructuring of the nation's security architecture not only imperative but also urgent.

Noting that the ceaseless burning down of facilities of the nation's Electoral umpire was a great threat to Nigeria's democratic stability, the group which said it was aware that President Buhari means well for the country in the area of security, however bemoaned what it called "his indecision in taking drastic action" against some few individuals who are clogs in the wheel of the country's progress.

"We call on President Muhammad Buhari to immediately purge himself of the influence of the cabals who are against security architecture reforms in the country so that they country can move forward before the 2023 general elections,"it urged.

According to the coalition,"The constant attacks on INEC offices and facilities across the country is a reflection of the failed security architecture and so there is an urgent need for total overhaul before it's too late."

"The constant attacks on INEC offices and facilities as well as frequent kidnapping of innocent citizens across the country is a reflection of the failed security architecture and so, there is an urgent need for total overhaul before it is too late,"it warned.

The group while reiterating that,"This action is a threat to democracy in the giant of Africa"added:"As a civil society group that has been working closely for security reforms in Nigeria and Africa, we are aware that Mr President means well for this country in the area of security. However, his indecision in taking drastic action against some few individuals who are obstacles to achieving gains in the security architecture is the major bane."

"Mr President must demonstrate his power as the Commander-in-Chief by firing all the security chiefs in the country and replace them with more competent and committed officers that can guarantee our security before, during and after elections.

"The National Security Adviser and all the service chiefs have no business being in their offices till date after so much failures and lapses.

"We wish to remind the president that he is the person Nigerians voted for and not the cabals around him,"it said.

The group reminded the president that,"When the time comes, he will answer to Nigerians and not the cabal."

"Mr president should immediately purge himself from those who don't mean well for him and the nation. Enough is enough. Our country has suffered so much and we can't continue like this. Mr president should save our democracy of this unbearable level of insecurity in the country,"it stressed.

The coalition claimed that the numerous measures earmarked by the president to restructure the country's security architecture were frustrated by the cabal for selfish interests.

"We are aware that there are several measures put in place by the president to restructure the security architecture and which have been on ground but the cabal wouldn't allow the president act because of their selfish interest,"it said.

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