Ghana: 'Drivers Must Adhere to Road Safety'

14 December 2022

Drivers must adhere to the road safety regulations to ensure sanity on the roads, Mr Samson Oddoye, National Co-ordinator of Street Sense Organisation (SSO), a road safety advocate, has stated.

"Members of the public, es-pecially drivers, must abide by the road safety regulation by avoiding speeding, wrongful overtaking, driving under the influence of alcohol and fatigue driving," he added.

Mr Oddoye gave the ad-vice when SSO donated 1,000 reflective vests valued at $45,000 to the Motor Transport and Traffic Directorate (MTTD) of the Ghana Police Service in Accra yesterday to support them in their operations.

He said the vests would help improve visibility among person-nel in traffic management.

Mr Oddoye expressed worry on how an MTTD policewoman was run over by a driver, adding that with these vests, the person-nel would be visible during road traffic management.

The National Co-ordinator of SSO stated that most of the recorded road crashes in the country were as a result of human error and not abiding by the safety regulations.

He stressed the need to educate the public on road safety issues to ensure that lives and properties were saved.

"As part of our efforts to help improve road safety along the United Nations Decade Action on Road Safety, we work with various international and national stake-holders to conduct research on pressing road safety related issues and advise," Mr Oddoye added.

Mr Oddoye commended the Police Service for their contribu-tion in ensuring that lives were protected even at the expense of their own lives.

He urged them to use the vests for their intended purpose and maintain them well to expand their lifespan.

The Director-General of the Commissioner of Police (COP) of the MTTD, Ebenezer Doku, who received the donation on behalf of the Ghana Police Service, com-mended SSO for their gesture.

He assured management of the SSO that the items would be used for its intended purpose.

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