Ghana: Prudential Bank Builds Capacity of SME Customers

14 December 2022

Prudential Bank has organised two seminars for Small and Medium-scale Enterprises (SMEs) in Accra and Kumasi as part of its commit-ment to enhancing the operation-al capacities of SME businesses through the provision of regular business advisory support.

The programmes, which were attended by several SME business owners were on the theme "Man-aging SME Business in difficult times."

The Head of Commercial Banking at the bank, Mr Frederick Adomako-Ansah, speaking at the event said the training was to build the capacities of SME businesses for executing appropriate strate-gies to help them navigate through the current economic difficulties.

He emphasised the critical role played by SMEs in the country's economic development and the need for stakeholders to create a sustained enabling environment to help businesses thrive.

Other speakers at the seminar were Professor GodfredBokpin, Senior Lecturer, University of Ghana Business School; Mr Leop-old Armah, Head, Digital Trans-formation Department and Mr Jo-seph Baah, Head, Credit Appraisal Department.

Professor Bokpin, speaking on the topic "Leveraging the lessons from COVID-19, Russia-Ukraine, and current economic challenges for business growth in Ghana," entreated SMEs to look out for and take full advantage of business opportunities which are always available but difficult to identify during challenging eco-nomic times.

The Head of the Bank's Digital Transformation Depart-ment, Mr Leopold Armah, took participants through the digital ecosystem and showcased key digital products specifically tai-lored to provide greater efficiency for business operations.

The Head of the Credit Ap-praisal Department of the bank, Mr Joseph Baah, took participants through the topic "Effective credit facility and working capital management," and advised on how to manage and leverage cred-it facilities to support business development and growth.

The programme also gave participants the opportunity to interact with senior management of the bank and to provide useful feedback on the bank's products and services.

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