Liberia: Sen. Pennue Wants Lawmakers Support County Meet

15 December 2022

Grand Gedeh County Senator Zoe Pennue has called on legislators to rally support around their respective counties in the coming national county sports meet.

Speaking recently at his Capitol Building office, Senator Pennue said there should be no excuse from any lawmaker at the Capitol for not rallying financial support for their counties.

The Grand Gedeh County lawmaker donated one hundred thousand Liberian Dollars each to Grand Gedeh, River Gee, Maryland, Grand Kru, and Sinoe Counties.

During the donation, Senator Pennue said he was very grateful to the government for paying all lawmakers retroactively for the months of October and November.

As such, he suggested that there should not be any excuse for any lawmaker to support their respective counties.

He said he was contributing to the other counties in the South East due to their support toward his election three times as Representative, and later as Senator of Grand Gedeh County.

On behalf of the recipients, Grand Gedeh County Superintendent Kai Farley commended the Senator for his gesture to the counties and called on other lawmakers to emulate his good examples.

Recently, scores of prominent Grand Gedeans, especially citizens of Duogeebli (one of the populated towns along the Toes Town, Zwedru highway) stormed the residence of Senator Pennue to appreciate and honor him.

The residents said they were honoring him for his tireless efforts in recommending his kinsmen to the president for possible job appointments and making sure they secured positions in the national government.

As part of the tradition, the group presented to their Senator a living goat as a symbol of appreciation.

They also gowned him with a beautiful traditional design that symbolized high honor.

Receiving the gifts, Senator Pennue thanked the group for the surprising recognition and reassured them of fulfilling his promises made to them.

He indicated that his efforts in ensuring citizens of Grand Gedeh County get appointed positions are part of his way of giving back to his people positively.

He particularly recognized people who have worked hard to maintain peace during elections, pointing to Mr. Arthur Duogee, former Election Magistrate of Grand Gedeh County.

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