Liberia: Wilmot Paye Eyes Taking Sen. Saah Joseph Out in 2023

Monrovia — Mr. Wilmot Paye, former chairman of the former ruling Unity Party (UP) and the People Liberation Party (PLP) has expressed interest in becoming Montserrado County's next Senator. His plan is to unseat the incumbent Saah Joseph of the ruling party.

According to Mr. Paye, his motivation to contest comes from his visitations to many communities making up Montserrado County.

On Thursday, December 15, 2022, a group under the banner, 'The Patriotic Citizens Network of Montserrado County' will formally petition Paye to contest for the Senate during 2023 Presidential and General Elections.

This Petitioning Ceremony is expected to take place at 3:00 pm on the Peace Island, commonly known as 540 Community, behind the Ministerial Complex in Congo Town, Electoral District # 10, Montserrado County.

The petitioners: "The Patriotic Citizens Network therefore invites all residents of Montserrado County desirous of ending the business-as-usual attitude in The Capitol Building and erecting a checkpoint against the waves of public corruption in Liberia to attend this all-important and once-in-a-lifetime Petitioning Ceremony.

"The Network also invites all friends of Chairman Wilmot Paye, veterans, and members of Student, Youth, Women, Advocacy, Civil Society, Pro-Democracy and Groups, and Anti-Corruption Crusaders, to this historic new awakening. It is time to right the wrongs, and change the story of Liberia by encouraging people with proven and tested integrity, extensive experience, and commitment to truth to step forward and bring sanity to our governance process."

Members, sympathizers, and supporters of all political parties and independent movements are expected to attend the petitioning ceremony. "If you have doubts, fears, and worries about where Liberia is headed, just come and witness this Petitioning Ceremony. Don't give up. You will never regret being a part of this new awakening."

In a statement issued by Marcus C. T. Marshall, head of the petitioning committee, members of the religious community are invited. Professionals of all backgrounds are invited. Members of the Press are invited.

"The Network calls on all well-meaning LIBERIA committed to genuine but not fake change to come let us write a better chapter for Montserrado County and Liberia. We call on you to come, hear, know and spread the good news that "There are more good people in Liberia than bad people. Come and discover that your destiny can and will never be doom, even amid the gloom."

Paye thrown out of PLP

Wilmot Paye was thrown out of the People's Liberation Party after the party financier Dr. Daniel Cassell approved his expulsion. Paye's removal came after accusations and counter-accusations between him and the party's political leader Cassell.

He was earlier the Secretary-General of the former ruling Unity Party that led the country for 12 years and progressed in a leadership position, becoming the party chair and presiding over the party's 2017 presidential election that brought the Coalition for Democratic Change (CDC) to power.

Having spent some time as Chairman, Paye was thrown out of the Chairmanship position in 2020, from where he left and landed within the PLP as its acting chairperson in February this year during a euphoric celebration at the party's headquarters in Congo Town.

He went into the PLP to take the PLP forward, however, he was sacked in August. Mr. Paye was accused by Dr. Cassel for act unbecoming of his position, which led to his sacking and thrown out of the party that he helped grow. Paye resisted the party decision and argued that the political leader's action was contrary to the party's constitution.

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