Liberia: EAST International On 'Thin' Rope As Many Appeal to Lawmakers for Cancellation of Contract

Monrovia — EAST International Construction Company's fate seems to be hanging in the balance as many lawmakers and ordinary Liberians are calling for the complete cancellation of its agreement.

They think that it is glaring that EAST International has not shown any technical and financial capabilities needed to do the work.

In a leaked WhatsApp message from the former Minister of State, Nathaniel McGill, who was once accused of having a special relationship with EAST, questioned the entire contract and wants it to be reviewed by the legislature.

"I am not an engineer to defend EAST on its technical capabilities, but why would a government grant this amount of road contract when it lacks the technical and financial capabilities to do road projects," ex-minister McGill stated in the leaked whatsApp message.

He continued: "The current President with advice from the cabinet asked to amend the existing agreement with EAST International because the government could not borrow additional US$116m. I think the legislature should call for a public hearing about this whole EAST contract," his message screenshot was seen by FrontPageAfrica said.

On Monday, a team of journalists that visited the RIA road project saw a few EAST workers with vests trying to carry out work.

But several residents there, especially around the ELWA and Rehab side expressed total disappointment and frustration over the construction work.

It can be recalled that the Ministry of Public Works and EAST international signed a contract (Contract NO. MPW-W-003-16/17) for rigid pavement of 24.5km existing secondary Road from Klay-DC Clarke in Bomi.

In August and early September, 2017,the act was

Passed, approved, and printed into handbill "AN ACT TO Ractify The pre-financing agreement for the Rigid prefinance agreement for Rigid pavement of 24.5km of existing secondary roads from Klay to DC Clarke in Bomi county and 51km of selected neighborhood/community roads in Monrovia and its environs

But out of sudden, the entire story changed. EAST found its way to do bigger road construction contract, the RIA road.

The coming in of EAST was based on the earlier act which was passed, approved, and printed into handbill and designated as "An Act to amend certain provisions of the Act to ratify the pre-financing agreement for the Rigid pavement of 24.5km of existing secondary roads from Klay to DC Clarke in Bomi County and 51km of selected neighborhood/community roads in Monrovia and its environs and to substitute the remaining segments of the neighborhood roads With the Roberts International Airport.

"Why would the lawmakers substitute bush road contract with major highway road like RIA? I think it was a big mistake from the part of the lawmakers to amend it. But thank God that Senators Dillion and Snow and others are talking about it now," Roland O. Diggs, a businessman on the highway said.

He added, "the load is EAST has is too heavy. This is a very big contract that one company like EAST can do.

For his part, Thomas S. Freeman, a resident said, "this whole road business has choked EAST. They took a contract that they could not manage. Greediness. They just came and damaged this road. If they are not able, the best thing to do is to leave it now and call for help."

Last week, the Minister of Public Works, Madam Ruth Collins informed the Senate about the condition of the road. She called for a review of EAST contract.

Following that, two Senators, Darius Dillon of Montserrado County and Edwin M. Snowe of Bomi County along with others said there was a need to review EAST international contract.

For Senator Dillon, he told local media last week that East risked cancellation of the contract if it did not complete the work required. He said, the best thing for EAST to do now is to contract another company to help speed up the project or they will have a vote of no confidence. "We will do an evaluation, pay them for what they have done and give it to a different company," he was quoted as saying.

There has been no official comment from EAST since the Senators held the hearing last week.

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