Liberia: Senate Passes Act Elevating Lofa County Community College to a Full-Fledged University

Monrovia — At long last, the Liberian Senate has finally passed into law a bill seeking to elevate the Lofa County Community College to a full-fledged four-year university.

The bill was brought onto the floor of the House of Representatives by Lofa County District #3 Lawmaker Clarence Massaquoi in 2021; it came with the help of other lawmakers, including Representatives Thomas Fallah, Beyan Howard, Mariamu Fofana, Francis Nyumalin, Julie Fatorma Wiah, amongst others.

It has since been lingering in the House since 2021, but was quickly cleared for passage approximately one month in the corridors of the Senate.

Recently, Lofa County Senators Joseph Jallah and Senator Zargo sent a copy of their letter to the Liberian Senate, dismissing accusations that they were against the elevation of the Lofa County Community College (LCCC) to a full-fledged university.

Senator Jallah said since his ascendency to the Senate, he had at no time resisted any bill that is in the best interest of the people of Lofa County for self aggrandizement no matter who the proponent of such bill.

He asserted that the allegation against him had no iota of truth and that it is being perpetrated by some elements in the county who see his ascendency as a threat to their selfish political interest.

In a letter addressed to Senate Pro Tempt, Albert Chie dated November 9, 2022, Senator Jallah affirmed his support to the passage of the act stating the the instrument when passed, will afford Lofians (natives of Lofa) and Liberians the opportunity to acquire higher education in the county without necessarily migrating to the capital, Monrovia.

Many have been extolling Senator Jallah for supporting and ensuring the speedy passage of the act at the level of the Senate as compared to the House of Representatives since December 2021.

Many Lofians believe it was the effort and recent communication of Senator Jallah to Senate Pro Tempt, Albert Chie that gave rise to the timely passage of the act.

They described the Senator's deportment as "selfless" and "patriotic", owing to the fact that he had just survived a heated electoral process in which he was strongly resisted by the Unity Party.

Lofians are of the view that many leaders do not easily do what was demonstrated by Senator Jallah for the sake of the County.

The passage of the act now defeats argument that Senator Jallah stood against the passage of the bill at the upper house.

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