Gambia: Macky Sall On 3rd Term Mandate

15 December 2022

President Macky Sall is taking part in the United States-Africa summit, which is currently being held in Washington. Before flying to the American capital, the head of state gave an interview to the New York Times.

During the interview, the question of the presidential election of 2024, which agitates the national political debate, was put on the table.

Macky Sall stayed on his line: "Neither yes nor no". "It is normal for me to be criticized in my political action, not just in my work as President, he asked in remarks taken up by Le Soleil. It is clear that today there is no legal debate (on whether or not he can represent himself). Now whether I am a candidate or not, it is my decision.

And as if to close the chapter, the President of the Republic added: "When I make up my mind, I will let the Senegalese people know."

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