Liberia: Request for Proposals (RFP) to Collect Baseline Data for Proposed Radio Serial Drama (RSD) in Liberia

Talking Drum Studio (TDS), in partnership with Population Media Center (PMC), are seeking technical and financial proposals from qualified firms to collect baseline data for a proposed Radio Serial Drama (RSD). The RSD is under development through generous funding from Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (SIDA). The RSD will begin broadcast in February 2023 and will air throughout all 15 counties of Liberia.

The RSD was designed to address four major and two minor themes:

The purpose of the baseline data collection is to help TDS, PMC, and SIDA understand awareness, knowledge, attitudes/beliefs, behavior and norms related to the themes listed above. Further, the baseline data collection will gather detailed media consumption data from selected households.

TDS, PMC, and SIDA have prepared a draft survey for use by the selected applicant. The survey will be answered by one individual who resides in a selected household within each enumeration area. The survey sample should follow a cluster design--to be proposed by applicants--that will provide a snapshot of key data points immediately before the RSD broadcast begins.

Application Details:

The bidder should submit their technical and financial proposals (see section 7 for details) with relevant supportive documents through the email addresses mentioned below on or before December 20, 2022.

In addition to the proposals, all firms should submit letter of commitments that indicate the assigned task will be completed within 60 days from the date the contract is offered and signing of the agreement.

The selected firm is expected to notify TDS and PMC offices in 48 hours its willingness to accept the offer and start the work the soonest possible to meet the deadline.

Interested and eligible firms should submit technical and financial proposals to [email protected], with a copy to [email protected] and [email protected].

TDS and PMC reserve the right to accept or reject any or all bids.

1. Background of the Assignment

Population Media Center (PMC) and Talking Drum Studio: Liberia Peace Center (TDS Liberia) have come together to propose such a tailored and culturally sensitive multimedia behavior change strategy. PMC's well-tested and proven Social Behavior Change (SBC) methodology, with more than 20 years of field-testing, has proven to positively impact these kinds of issues using long-running, deeply local serial dramas. TDS Liberia is a trusted media voice and currently engages and influences communities across Liberia through their entertainment- education and participatory theater.

As noted above, SIDA has funded TDS and PMC to implement a project that will:

Contribute to long-term sustainability of effective pro-social programming in Liberia

Promoting a peaceful and inclusive society in Liberia which upholds human rights, democracy, the rule of law, and gender equality

A main component of this project is the creation and broadcast of a RSD. The RSD will address pre-selected major and minor themes (listed above). In order to understand the impact of the RSD, TDS, PMC, and SIDA require baseline data collected immediately before the RSD broadcast begins.

2. Objective of the Assignment

The objective is to collect baseline data through a survey (conducted in clusters, with a single individual from selected households) in the following areas:

Basic demographic data

Socio-behavioral and norms data related to the major and minor themes to be addressed in the RSD

Media consumption data to help TDS, PMC, and SIDA guide implementation of the RSD and other project components

3. Methods and Sampling Techniques

In their proposals, applicants should provide a map of Liberia--showing all counties and relevant cities--that shows the proposed sampling frame. Applicants must explain any clustering (grouping of counties) they propose, or any identifiers for stratification. Proposals must clearly explain the process for all of the following:

Inclusion of counties (stage 1 clustering) or inclusion of all counties (as strata)

Inclusion of major cities (distinct from counties or county clusters)

Sampling plan for all selected counties (or county clusters) and selected cities

Sampling plan for selecting a survey respondent

Plan for when respondents are unavailable

Firms must explain why they believe their sampling approach is a sound research design. Any proposed clustering should be explained and based on available demographic data.

4. Tasks of the Firm

Review recently completed situation analysis and formative audience research reports commissioned by TDS and PMC

Review the draft baseline survey created by TSD, PMC, and SIDA

Submit a brief inception report to detail final plans for data collection

Translate the draft baseline survey into appropriate local language(s)

Have an adequate number of Android phones or tablets to collect survey data using KoBoCollect. Note that phones generally collect GPS data by default, but most tablets are not GPS enabled. Firms must use equipment that accurately collects GPS data.

Create a training manual, supervisor guide, and enumerator guide for review by TDS and PMC, and document training progress (i.e., number of enumerators successfully trained).

TDS and PMC will work with the selected contractor on Human Subjects Protection requirements and ethical approval to conduct the endline evaluation in selected regions/districts and wards.

Lead training for enumerators with TDS and PMC staff supporting.

Pre-test the survey tool in one community and if changes are needed consult with TDS and PMC.

Collect data and ensure digital forms are submitted each evening during the collection period. Applicants must share a digital survey account with TDS and PMC, so everyone has access to data on an ongoing basis.

Supervisors must submit weekly progress reports during data collection to detail where they are, how many interviews their team attempted, how many interviews their team completed, etc.

Develop and submit draft technical research report to document fieldwork, survey completion rates (as compared to original sampling plan), and any concerns/lessons learned.

Organize a workshop with relevant TDS and PMC staff and other stakeholders to share results from data collection and the technical research report.

5. Deliverables

The firm will provide the following deliverables (which are repeated in Section 6):

An inception report with detailed work plan, appropriate methodology, sampling, timing, roles, and responsibilities of research firm. This should be no longer than five pages.

Local language version of the survey tool based on the English language survey provided by TDS and PMC. As noted above, we have already prepared an English version of the survey which may require translation and revision during training.

Training reports which show number of enumerators and supervisors trained, as well as training manual used during training and any reference guides for supervisors and enumerators to use during field work.

A copy of any ethical clearance approval from the appropriate local government authorities. TDS and PMC have already begun this process.

Pre-test results that show any changes that are required to questions or answers in the survey. These must be made in all languages included in the digital version of the survey.

Weekly email progress reports from supervisors to document survey progress.

Correct any serious issues or mistakes in submitted forms within 24-48 hours after firm is notified by TDS or PMC staff.

Draft technical report to document all aspects of the survey field work. This will largely be a compilation of weekly progress reports and will also include a section on any lessons learned, another section on challenges with data collection, and other relevant information that impacts data analysis.

Workshop with TDS, PMC and other stakeholders to share results of the data collection. This meeting is meant to share information about the process, lessons learned, and challenges.

Final technical report which includes responses to any TDS or PMC questions or requests for clarification.

6. Duration of the Assignment

The baseline data collection will proceed as described in the table and timelines below:

SequenceDeliverables (see numbered list above)Estimated Working Days (5-day week)DeadlineFee Paid

Proposals due to TDS and PMCNoneN/A20 Dec 2022

Contract SigningNone123 Dec 202240%

Planning1-586 Jan 2023

Data Collection6-71527 Jan 2023

Draft Report853 Feb 202340%

Final Report and Presentation9-10510 Feb 202320%

7. Instructions

Interested individual firms which are legally registered in Liberia are invited to submit a proposal for delivery of the assignment. The submission should include both Technical and Financial proposals, as described below:

Technical proposal--may not exceed ten pages. The technical proposal must include:

A cover letter outlining the suitability of consultant for the assignment, motivation and summarizing relevant experience (Maximum 2 pages);

Proposed sampling design. Must address all of the bullet points provided in Section 3 above. (Maximum 3 pages);

Clear work plan which addresses all tasks in Section 4 above and deliverables in Section 5 above (Maximum 4 pages);

Contact details from at least two independent referees with in-depth and proven knowledge of the applicant's expertise and relevant work experience (1 page)

Financial proposal--submitted in in Microsoft Excel or Google Sheet format may include:

A detailed budget containing total costs as per person per day rates, and any other costs anticipated in completing the assignment (i.e., travel to field sites, equipment);

Costs for conducting the endline evaluation.

A budget narrative (no more than one page) to justify costs

Additional Materials:

Two samples of relevant studies previously produced.

CVs of the consultant/firm with full description of the profile and experience

TDS and PMC will provide the necessary orientation for the firm to abide by the existing rules and regulations.

8. Radio Serial Drama (RSD) Broadcast Locations

The proposed RSD will be broadcast in all counties of Liberia. The baseline survey must collect data from a cluster design sample of households across Liberia. It is not expected that survey data will be collected in every county; instead applicants should group counties by demographic features to allow for cost-effective survey data collection. It is up to the applicant to decide which counties must be visited for data collection. Applicants must explain their county selection in their proposal and ensure they have proposed an adequate number of data collectors/enumerators to complete data collection by end of January 2023. TDS and PMC will work with the selected firm on any final adjustments to the sampling plan that may required.

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