Liberia: VP Howard-Taylor Reaffirms One China Policy

The One China Policy is one of the policies that the People's Republic of China holds very dear to their hearts.

Anyone who goes against said policy has crossed the reline of the Chinese People and those who respect it have a friendship with President Xi Jinping and his people.

In recent months, US Speaker, Nancy Pelosi flew to Taiwan in "disobedience" to the One China Policy, something that soured the two great nations' friendships.

China reacted very sharply and condemned Pelosi's visit as a violation of the "one China" policy, according to Chinese state media CGTN.

Liberia as a nation wants to keep its friendship with China thus causing the country's Vice President, Chief Dr. Jewel Howard-Taylor to reaffirm Liberia's Commitment to the "One China" Policy.

Speaking at the Embassy of the People's Republic of China in Oldest Congo Town, the second person in charge of the Liberian government Dr. Howard-Taylor said, "As a Nation, Liberia believes that cooperation must be at the zenith of any Nation's foreign policy."

She praised the Government and people of China for their enormous contribution to Liberia's economic transformation adding, "In all his public expositions on Liberia's alliance with friendly Nations and Allies, President George M. Weah has maintained China as one of Liberia's most reliable allies. Our alliance was further solidified when Liberia signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the Government of China, and officially joined more than 150 countries as members of the Belt and Road Initiative."

VP Taylor said the people of Liberia continue to appreciate the friendship between the two nations; an alliance she said is deeply rooted in friendship and mutual respect.

She recounted the many economic dividends China offers Liberia stating, "Our government continues to value and respect the territorial integrity of the People's Republic of China; and reaffirms our commitment to the One China Policy.

She added Liberians are still overwhelmed with China's intervention through visible bilateral projects including the construction of public buildings, health delivery and educational facilities across the country, telecommunications, the construction of US$55m Ministerial Complex, US$40m New Terminal at Roberts International Airport in Margibi, US$35m Jackson F. Doe Hospital in Nimba County, and US$55m overpass Bridges to be constructed, among dozens of projects undertaken by China in Liberia.

We cannot forget the several other millions of dollars worth of projects in Liberia including the "Chinese Building" University of Liberia Fendall Campuses, the installation of Traffic lights in Monrovia and its environs, the rehabilitation of the Samuel K. Doe Sports Complex, the Extension of MVTC, rehabilitations, and refurbishing of roads and bridges, amongst others.

While these interventions are indeed laudable, I still believe an old Chinese saying: "It is better to teach somebody how to fish than simply give him the fish". In other to help Liberia in the areas of socio-economic development, our international friends can pursue a policy of enhancing Liberia's human resource capacity so that our people fend for themselves.

We must envision a Nation that will transition from aid dependence to self-sufficiency. Liberia must seize the historical opportunity presented in the new era of the China-Liberia relationship for the realization of our socio-economic development.

She said it was a great honor to have been invited at the first interactive dialogue being hosted by the Embassy of the People's Republic of China; an illustrious Nation that continues to contribute to Liberia's economic development.

"I am also grateful to the Government of Germany and ECOWAS for launching such a unique dialogue," she said.

According to her, she believes that dialogues like yesterday's gathering present the platform for not only the convergence of their international friends and partners, but they also seek to engender discussions on assessing the impact China and their international friends have had in making Liberia a post-conflict success story.

"This topic was so aptly selected especially at a time when Nations across our world are still grappling with the socio-economic impact of COVID."

She said COVID ushered in two major world realities which she said are their global health systems are still incapable of handling the health challenges which guaranteed human safety, and the cooperation amongst Nations at all levels is the only pathway to achieve sustainable development.

She said the call for development cooperation is being echoed across our global landscape; this call is resounding at the level of the United Nations, the European Union, the African Union, ECOWAS, and other regional bodies. We must be aware that our world will only get better when Nations strengthen cooperation through trade and diplomacy.

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