Ghana: More Yendi Communities Connected to National Grid

16 December 2022

The Member of Parliament (MP) for Yendi Constituen-cy in the Northern Region, Alhaji Farouk Aliu Mahama, has helped four more communities in the constituency to get connected to the national grid under the Rural Electrification Project (REP).

This brings to 18 the number of communities the MP helped to get connected to the national grid since assuming office as Member of Parliament for the Yendi Con-stituency.

The four beneficiary communi-ties included Kunshegu, Penshiya, Panduli and Chakohiya.

Alhaji Mahama was accompa-nied by the Minister of Energy, Dr Matthew Opoku Prempeh and his Deputy Dr Mohammed Amin Adam Anta.

At a ceremony at Kunshegu, one of the beneficiary communities to inaugurate the project, the MP said the electrification project was in fulfilment of promises he made to the communities during 2020 elections.

He said the people voted for him to work hard and bring development to them adding "the people of Yendi and the surround-ing communities need develop-ment and I assured them of more development."

He said the provision of the electricity in the communities would not only brighten their homes but would also go a long way to improved on their socio- economic activities and enhance their living condition.

He added: "They would no more walk miles again to charge their phones or even grind their food stuffs."

Alhaji Mahama said since the as-sumption of office of Dr Prempeh as Energy Minister, he had always been to his office trying to unlock and reduce the electricity problems in the constituency.

He said they were privileged to have the Energy Minister in Dag-bon to inaugurate the project, and commended the minister for his commitment to the development of Dagbon.

The Energy Minister applauded the MP for the good works he had been doing for the good of Yendi.

"Your MP disturbs every single day just because he wants his com-munities to get connected to the national grid," he said.

Dr Prempeh stated the ambition of the Akufo-Addo government to see to it that every part of Ghana had electricity in order to bring development closer to the people.

He added that the government was committed to achieving the universal access to electricity to every community in the country.

Nma Samata Pumaaya Alhassan, Magazia of Kunshegu community thanked the MP for the gesture and noted that the connection of their community to the national grid would open up their business

"Am into Sheabutter business and I will no more walk miles to Yendi again to grind my shea again," she added.

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