Ghana: CIB Ghana Set to Redesign Academic Curriculum

16 December 2022

The Chartered Institute of Bankers (CIB) Ghana has said plans are underway to redesign the institutes academic curriculum to create more op-portunities for qualified bankers, develop future-fit competencies and skills that employers need.

The move, CIB Ghana said forms part of the institute's mandate to promote the study of banking education and regulate the practice of banking profession in Ghana as well as put ethics and professionalism at the core of the profession.

Speaking at the 2022 Annual Governor and Bankers Dinner on the theme 'Future of banking in Ghana: Ethics, professional-ism, and ESG imperatives,' the president of the institute, Benja-min Amenumey, said this would ensure the institute became the premium learning partner to churn out trusted professionals for the banking industry.

"Redesigning of the CIB cur-riculum to create more opportu-nities for skillsets development as the premium learning partner to churn out trusted professionals for the banking industry. To this end, we will continue to put a premi-um on setting up more banking academies in collaboration with other banks, offer the Associate Chartered Banker programme and other banking certification programmes," he said.

He said another key focus of CIB Ghana would be the imple-mentation of technology-based learning and delivery and stressed that the institute would continue to uphold and enforce its code of ethics and professionalism.

"As a new council, we pledge to hold ourselves to the highest standards of professionalism and integrity and in line with our man-date, the institute we will continue to develop future-fit and ethical professionals. We will continue to set standards and ensure the observance of ethical standards and professional conduct among members. We will enforce the Ghana Banking Code of Ethics and Business Conduct which was launched in 2021 in collaboration with the Bank of Ghana and the Ghana Association of Banks," the president said.

The Chief Executive Officer of Chartered Institute of Bankers, Ghana, Robert Dzato, in his re-marks underscored the importance of the event.

"The Governor's Day is an extremely important event in the calendar of Chartered Institute of Bankers, Ghana. It offers us all industry players, the opportunity to interact with the governor. It is an opportunity to listen to the governor's reflections in 2022 and expectations on monetary policy for the coming years," he said.

The Governor of the Bank of Ghana, Dr Ernest Addison, en-treated professionals in the bank-ing sector to put professionalism above their personal interest.

"The ultimate goal of our market conduct supervision is to help promote and sustain public trust and confidence in the finan-cial sector and to deepen financial inclusion, we therefore encourage all of you to pay more attention particularly in the area of custom-er service, ethical behaviours and general professionalism," he said.

Dr Addison added "One cannot talk about development in the banking sector without talking about Ghana's study progress towards financial digitisation. In-deed, digital services have ushered in an era of access to a variety of financial products and services and thereby enhancing financial inclusion and all of these, the bank's roles cannot be overem-phasized and to enforce these, the bank connects processes towards the issuance of the central banks digital currency which is the E-ce-di in 2021."

The immediate past president of the institute, FCIB Right Rev-erend Patricia Sappor, and other members were awarded for their contributions to the development of the organisation.

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