Ghana: Take Advantage of Economic Challenges to Invest in Ghana - Real Estate Entrepreneur

16 December 2022

Investors and entrepreneurs must take advantage of the current economic difficulties facing Ghana to invest in the country, Managing Director and founder of RAAD Industries, Adriano Dulgher has said.

He said in the midst of chal-lenges the Ghanaian economy was going through, were oppor-tunities which investors must take advantage of to diversify their investment portfolios.

Speaking in an interview with the Ghanaian Times on the pros-pects of the Ghanaian economy, Mr Dulgher, who is into real estate and agriculture, said there were so many investment oppor-tunities in the country.

"Agriculture, health, housing, manufacturing sectors present huge opportunities that investors must take advantage of to expand their businesses," he said.

He said Ghana was one of the best economies and investment destinations in Africa.

That, he attributed to the country's positive business cli-mate, political stability, relative good infrastructure and good governance.

He said the country had fertile lands for agriculture.

"The country's dependence on imports to meet it needs, pres-ent opportunity to produce such items locally," he said.

Mr Dulgher for instance said sugar production was one area investors could tap into expand their business portfolios.

Aside Ghana's numerous investment opportunities, the country had a lot of tax breaks and holidays for investors, saying investors and entrepreneurs must explore such opportunities.

Mr Dulgher urged govern-ment to take advantage of its two million citizens in the diaspora to come and invest in the country.

That, he said, could be achieved by awareness creation and selling the investment op-portunities to the people in the diaspora.

He urged the media to project positive stories about the Gha-naian economy, saying negative stories would not portend well for the country.

Touching on housing, Mr Dulgher said the private sector should lead the efforts to bridge the housing deficit in the country.

He said the government should create the enabling envi-ronment for the private sector to harness to address the housing deficit estimated to be more than 1.6 million.

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