Liberia: LPRC Deputy Managing Director Makes Employee Kneel Down for Over an Hour As Punishment

Onrovia — The Deputy Managing Director for Operations at the Liberia Petroleum Refining Company (LPRC) Nora T. Wreh has been accused of allegedly carrying out extra-judicial punishments by openly disgracing and humiliating a 60-year-old employee at the company for politely requesting her to bring down her blouse over a partially "torn up" trouser she was wearing while on her way to work.

Madam Wreh, aged 32, made victim Adolphus T. Seeboe, who is a Laboratory Assistant at the company to kneel down for a prolonged period of time on the street and in her office, respectively.

She is a stalwart of the governing Coalition for Democratic Change (CDC).

The incident reportedly occurred between 11 am to 12 noon on December 6.

In a complaint filed to the LPRC Workers Union on December 7, 2022, a copy which is in the possession of FrontPageAfrica, victim Seeboe disclosed that Madam Wreh "demanded" him to kneel before her in the street and in her office later.

He disclosed that the incident initially occurred in front of City Builders around the Freeport of Monrovia shortly after he disembarked from a vehicle and was walking along the road to work at the LPRC compound.

City Builders, a dealer in hardware materials and others, is less than three minutes walk to the LPRC compound.

"While walking along the road, I met Madam Nora Wreh and three other employees in persons of Mr. George Kiawu, Compliance Coordinator, Sadia Chokppele, Terminal Superintendent, and an individual to be identified, moving in the same direction. I greeted them and later observed that her blouse went above the part of her trouser that was torn up. Seeing it so embarrassing, I walked to her politely in her ear and told her to bring her blouse down to cover the part of her trouser that was torn up."

Victim Seeboe added that Madam Wreh got infuriated and started "shouting at me in the street and demanded me to kneel down to her in the street and that if I don't kneel down to apologize, I will lose my December salary and my job, for disrespecting her as a Manager."

He disclosed that a few hours after he returned to his office, Madam Wreh sent for him and demanded he kneels down to apologize again.

"In view of the above, I was humiliated and traumatized for being disgraced in public. So, I decided to file this complaint to your office to look into the matter for redress as a union. Up to present, I am being molested by my fellow workers or employees."

I have been nicknamed

Speaking in an interview with FrontPageAfrica via telephone on Thursday, December 13, victim Seeboe disclosed that he has abandoned work for the past days due to the high level of bullying and molestation he continues to suffer as a result of the alleged action of Madam Wreh.

He disclosed that his children are also experiencing similar molestation and bullying in their respective schools.

He claimed that he and his family members have also been traumatized and psychologically disturbed as a result of the alleged acts meted against him by the Deputy LPRC Managing Director for Operations.

"As I speak to you presently I can't even go to work because I am being molested. Any time I go to work, as soon as I reach the gate, people will say "kneel down." Even my children at their various schools, have been molested. I have been disturbed from Tuesday up to now."

Victim Seeboe maintained that he was compelled to abandon church service last Sunday "because of the disgrace that woman (Nora Wreh) brought to me," adding that, "nothing I did to that young woman."

He pointed out he was constrained to abide by the mandate from his boss on two separate occasions for fear of losing his job.

"I knelt down in front City Builders and when she brought me to her office, she asked me to kneel down and I did. In front Freeport, I knelt down for about five minutes, and when I came to her office, I knelt down for one hour, thirty minutes."

Victim Seeboe noted that his decision taken to complaint Madam Wreh to the workers union was in keeping with the handbook at the entity.

According to him, a formal complaint has been filed on his behalf to the management of the LPRC by the Union.

He pointed out that the internal investigation department at the LPRC has been mandated to launch a probe into the matter.

Nora boycotts investigation

FrontPageAfrica has gathered that Madam Wreh and victim Seeboe were invited by the body the conduct the investigation on Wednesday, December 14.

However, only victim Seeboe showed up and Madam Wreh was nowhere to be seen.

Another hearing was scheduled for Thursday, December 15 at 10:00AM, but Madam Wreh didn't show up for the whole of the morning and afternoon hours.

Victim Seeboe expressed the hope that justice will prevail in the matter.

He vowed to take the matter to the "next stage" if the management of the LPRC fails to act accordingly.

He claimed that this is not the first time Madam Wreh has meted out extra judicial punishments against employees at the LPRC.

"I am not the first person, neither the second, third person. I can name more than four to five persons that she did it to. One George Minor was also a victim."

Nora tightlipped

When contacted via telephone, Madam Wreh denied that she snubbed an ongoing investigation launched into the matter.

She, however, declined to comment further on grounds that the incident is being investigated by the management of the LPRC.

"I can't speak to you now because management has already taken charge of this. He wrote a communication to the management and investigation will come up. So for now, I can't speak to it and nothing can be done. After the investigation and from the findings, the public will get to know what actually happened."

Madam Wreh is a closed associate of the former Minister of State for Presidential Affairs Mr. Nathaniel McGill, who has been sanctioned by the US government for acts of corruption.

She was recommended by Mr. McGill for appointment at the LPRC.

She previously served as Deputy Registrar at the Liberia Business Registry.

Madam Wreh's reported impolite attitude, verbal assaults and harsh confrontations with citizens and others on numerous occasions discouraged them from registering their businesses at the time she served at the LBR, depriving government of generating the needed revenue.


The alleged act committed by Madam Wreh runs contrary to the National Code of Conduct Law for public officials and the Liberian Constitution.

Section 4.3 of the law captioned: Maintaining Dignity of the Public Service states that: "All Public Officials and Employees of Government shall exhibit good conduct at all times, both at work and off-duty. He or she shall be honest, faithful and just, and shall not act in a manner against the honor or dignity of the public service."

Madam Wreh's alleged action also contravenes Section 4.10 of the National Code of Conduct document.

Section 4.10 states that: "All Public Officials and Employees of Government shall treat members of the public and other Public Officials and Employees of Government honestly and fairly, and with proper regard for the other person's rights and obligations."

If it is established that she dressed indecently while en route to work, Madam Wreh's action violates Section 11.16 of the Code of Conduct law.

Section 11.16 states that "All Public Officials and Employees of Government shall be attired in accordance with the work to be performed, taking into consideration occupational health and safety factors, cultural diversity, local community standards and climatic conditions

The abuse of power by public officials has been an aged-old problem in the country.

Many public officials, including those elected and appointed, used their powers to carry out extra judicial punishments, humiliations, assaults and used invectives or profane languages at their subordinates at their respective places of work or in their communities.

They sometimes carry out these acts while executing their assigned tasks and responsibilities.

Some public officials will forced their employees or workers to engage into extra works at their respective homes or private businesses during government working hours.

For fear of losing their jobs, these employees or civil servants will surrender by doing so, feeling very embarrassed and unhappy about the request from their bosses.

It remains unclear whether or not the ongoing investigation involving Madam Wreh and victim Seeboe will be conducted impartially as those steering the probe are all subordinates of Madam Wreh who are also in the employ of the entity.

There have been mounting calls from some employees for the launch of an independent investigation.

Up to present, the management of the LPRC, headed by Madam Marie Urey Coleman is yet to formally speak on the matter.

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