Liberia: Ambassador Van Schaack's Open Letter to the People of Liberia


Office of Global Criminal Justice

December 14, 2022

Open Letter from Ambassador Beth Van Schaack to the People of Liberia:

I am writing to extend my thanks to the people of Liberia for a very meaningful visit in October of this year. On my first trip to Liberia, I very much appreciated the opportunity to meet with, and hear from, a wide range of policymakers, lawmakers, members of the media, and Liberians who shared their perspectives on the prospects for justice in Liberia with our delegation. I owe special thanks to Pastor Janice Gonoe, who gave me a very moving tour of St. Peter's Lutheran Church, where 600 Liberians lost their lives after they sought sanctuary in this place of worship.

Liberia faces many challenges when it comes to justice and accountability, not only for the terrible war crimes committed during two consecutive civil wars, but also for ordinary crimes and corruption. Impunity is corrosive; when it is allowed to flourish in one sector, it will undermine the foundations of peace and the rule of law across an entire society.

The overwhelming message we heard on our visit was a call for those with the power to do so to implement the important recommendations of the 2009 Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Liberia (TRC). These recommendations reflect the wisdom of Liberian leaders and experts in law, human rights, theology, and journalism. These commissioners were tasked with the awesome responsibility of generating a framework to prevent a return to mass violence in Liberia, answer the call of victims and survivors for justice, and hold accountable those most responsible for war crimes and other atrocities.

Notwithstanding the recommendation of the TRC to establish an Extraordinary Criminal Court for Liberia, with a mandate to investigate war crimes and economic crimes, the only justice Liberians have enjoyed to date has occurred in foreign courts. This includes the recent verdict in France against Kunti Kamara, who was sentenced to life imprisonment for complicity in crimes against humanity, torture, and acts of barbarism. Currently, two cases are proceeding in U.S. courts against former rebel general Laye Sekou Camara and former Armed Forces of Liberia commander Moses Wright for misrepresenting their wartime conduct on immigration forms in attempts to evade accountability. My visit followed on the heels of a civil judgment in Pennsylvania against Moses Thomas, establishing his liability for the Lutheran Church massacre and resulting in an $84 million damages award to victims. Because he absconded from the United States, this judgment has never been paid. And just before my delegation and I arrived in Liberia, a suit was filed in the Court of Justice of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) on behalf of the survivors of the massacre at St. Peter's Lutheran Church. The basic claim: that Liberia has denied these victims the right to justice.

These cases would not be possible without the amazing work of the Global Justice and Research Project and other Liberian and international civil society actors who have rigorously, reliably, and with unwavering integrity worked to keep the dream of justice alive.

It was inspiring to hear such a sustained desire for justice from Liberians, and I thank those who shared thoughts with me. It is my hope that these aspirations, and expectations, will be met by those entrusted with the power to fulfil them, in service of the lasting, just peace the people of Liberia deserve.

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