Liberia: Gradually Sinking in High Profile Murder Syndrome - As Other Mysterious Killings Nationwide Drag (GOL) in a Quandary.

Despite the belated US$15K WANTED price put out by government for anyone who will provide cogent information that will lead to the arrest of the murderers of the two sons of the late presidents William V.S. Tubman and William R. Tolbert respectively, pundits noted that they see the murders as a notorious recipe for the pending celebration of Liberia's b-centennial (1822-2022) of its founding by ex-slaves wherein the two also became presidents of Liberia from their rank and file; with one, late William V.S. Tubman (being the longest serving for 27 years) and the late William R. Tolbert, Jr., murdered in a military coup on April 12, 1980.

According to Pundits, the US$15K which is a price for murdered Johns H. Tubman, Liberia Peace Ambassador William R. Tolbert, lll, and Moud Elliott who worked for the Liberia Immigration Service (LIS) with (US$5K a piece); all three were gruesomely murdered at their respective residences; and considering how the April 12, 1980 military coup, tragically ended the over hundred years of ex-slaves' socio-politico and economic hegemony, could re-invent bitter memory on a very sad note.

"This is very sad. This is not only about the killing of these people. But it tells you that government needs to do more in terms of security. Many of us are not safe," Alexander Kollie, a member of the intellectual center on Carey Street told this paper.

Following the murder of the two presidents' sons, and later the employed Immigration lady at her home in Brewerville, with no serious action and result of arrest of suspects simmering, the government came under serious storm from many quarters of the society including the diaspora, coupled with the Baptist Convention, all condemning in the most strongest term regarding the sail-pace of the government's notion towards such high profile crimes which also incorporates series of mysterious killings purportedly reflective of ritualistic killing; amidst startling revelations from alleged escaped victims from some terrifying ordeals; the engine of the government's investigation has not made any significant headway or being encouraging to send a serious signal to any potential operatives. Rather, the government appears to be hitched in a quicksand, and is gradually sinking in high profile murder syndrome; as other mysterious killings nationwide drag it (GOL) in a quandary.

At the same time, due to the mysterious murder of the two sons of two presidents, and the slow interest shown towards hunting down the doers on one hand, and not robustly demonstrating all efforts to get at those viciously carrying out the numerous mysterious killings of Liberians, report reaching this paper talk about the mood of many Liberians in the diaspora about the unsecured security atmosphere, and what is obtaining on the home front, is troubling, and profoundly frowned on the government for allowing such dangerous and nefarious development to overwhelm the country.

"This is scaring in Liberia. I think we in the diaspora are very concerned on the wave of killing. The government needs to step up security," a former renowned Liberian journalist in the diaspora said.

The report also added that while Liberians in the diaspora especially those planning to come and be a part of the bi-centennial celebration, are wondering about what security posture to adopt and how to organize their personal security; those invited guests outside of the (US) government's circle are equally wondering if they will have to bring along with them their own security details such as bodyguards to provide maximum security protection during their stay here for the bi-centennial celebration which they love to be a part of such historic making occasion.

According to report from Liberians in the diaspora, many Afro-Americans are so delighted to see if they will be fortunate to trace their family roots, and get connected.

However, until the government can take the unhindered lead by robustly bringing to justice, those culpable for the mysterious murder of some citizens, Liberians remain very low-spirited and overwhelmed with perpetual fear for their safety and security, which is solely the responsibility of the government.

Challenging the government to lead by example, march words with deeds, and be very pragmatic in demonstrating impartiality and fearlessly, in executing the law with emphasis on arresting and punishing in keeping with due process of the killers of so many resourceful citizens, and by extension, all other Liberians victimized by such nefarious individuals, should not continue of be stamped with a lackadaisical notion.

But police spokesman, Moses Carter told this paper recently that government will do everything to ensure that the perpetrators are apprehended. He also said that it is the responsibility of the government to protect everyone that lives within its territorial boundary.

It can be recalled that the people are still worried and gravely concerned about the mysterious and quizzical demise of the four auditors; the murdered son the late President William V.S. Tubman, John H. Tubman and the son of the late President William R. Tolbert, Peace Ambassador William Richard Tolbert, lll with police report alleging that Tolbert's death could be homicide; later on Wednesday, November3, 2021 in an interview with TRUTH 96.1 FM in Monrovia through its (police's) spokesman Moses Carter noted that the act was murder including an employed Immigration lady who was found dead at her house in Brewerville, was also an act of murder along with a chain of reported ritual killings all over the country, had not been thoroughly adjudicated and those responsible arrested tried and sentenced,

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