Ghana: Driver On Gh¢10,000 Bail for Stabbing Mate

19 December 2022

An Accra Circuit Court has granted a GH¢10,000 bail to a driver who allegedly stabbed a bus conductor (mate) over GH¢1,100.

Razak Fuseini, the driver, was said to have accused Paintsil Kpanoba, the mate, of stealing his (Fuseini's) money, which led to a scuffle in which Fuseini stabbed Kpanoba in the rib with a knife.

The court, presided over by Mrs Susana Eduful, instructed that only family members should stand surety for Fuseini.

She also asked Fuseini's sureties to settle Kpanoba's medical bills.

Fuseini, 27, denied the offence and will make his next appearance at the court on January 20, 2023.

Kpanoba, on the other hand, pleaded with the court to dis-continue the case since Fuseini's parents were taking care of him.

Police Chief Inspector Samuel Ahiabor said both Kpanoba and Fuseini lived at the Osu-Madina bus station near the Presbyterian Church at Osu in Accra.

He told the court that at about 8:40 p.m. on December 1, 2022, one Enock Taylor arrested Fuseini and sent him to the police station where he reported that around 8 p.m, on the same day, he came across Fuseini and Kpanoba fight-ing fiercely around the bus station.

He said during the fight, Fuseini brought out a knife from his car that had been parked close by and stabbed Kpanoba in the right rib, causing him to bleed profuse-ly. Kpanoba was rushed to the Police Hospital for treatment.

The prosecution said the police proceeded to the hospital and saw Kpanoba lying on a stretcher receiving treatment.

He said investigations revealed that Fuseini met Kpanoba in the company of one Duodu in a car near the bus station.

The prosecution said Fuseini accused Kpanoba of stealing his GH¢1,100, leading to an argument and the fight between the two.

Chief Inspector Ahiabor said Fuseini wanted to escape from the scene after the act but was chased by Taylor, who caught up with him and arrested him.

Fuseini, in his statement admit-ted the offence and was put before the court after investigations

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