Liberia: Family of Deceased Ricks Institute Student Wants Homicide Investigation, Gives Account Leading to Her Untimely Death

Monrovia — Fifteen years after the death of 13-year-old Angel Togba that shook the nation, the death of another 13-year-old Angel - Angel Nagbe - is about to cause a stir in the country.

The 6th grade Ricks Institute student met her untimely death on December 12 while on a school trip to Buchanan, Grand Bassa County.

Her death has sparked public debate with many who suspect foul play questioning the school's stewardship of the 13-year-old while on the excursion.

While the school announced its sympathy to members of the bereaved family, it also clarified that the deceased was ill from home when she joined the rest of the students for the trip.

The school in a press statement indicated that their "internal investigation established that Student Nagbe was sick at home prior to going on the field trip in Buchanan, Grand Bassa County. This information was unknown to the School's Administration prior to our departure.

"Given the severity of her illness upon our return to Monrovia, the School's In-House Nurse from Ricks' Clinic immediately took her to Redemption Hospital, where she was later pronounced dead."

Family Disagrees

Angel's family, however, has been taken aback by the statement released by the school, stating that the school had no regard and empathy for the family. The family indicated that it was not consulted prior to the release of the statement.

The family counter-argued that Angel, prior to her demise, showed no symptoms of ailment.

"It is awful, for Ricks Institute to insinuate that little Angel was ill prior to her trip to Buchanan City, Grand Bassa County. We also like to state that we are unaware of any investigation that was purportedly carried out by the said institution," the family stated.

The grieving family narrated that Angel attended all classes including Saturday class as required by the school on December 10 and never showed any symptoms of illness.

The family recounted: "Angel was dropped off on the Ricks campus at about 6:30 a.m. on Sunday, December 11, 2022. At about 5:00 p.m. on the same Sunday, December 11, 2022, Madam Nancy Zuahdyu, the primary guardian of Angel called to check in on her, when she was informed by a friend who was also on the trip that Angel was not feeling well. Madam Nancy promptly requested to speak with the supervisor who was assigned to the kids on the bus. Madam Nancy instructed the said supervisor to take Angel to any nearby clinic or hospital and she would be with them once she knows the hospital or clinic."

They further narrated that the supervisor and the bus driver stopped answering Nancy's checkup calls after the third call but later at 8pm that day, she received a call from Nancy's friend that the bus was at Duala Market and that they were making their way to the school campus.

Nancy, according to the family, made her way to Brewerville Rice Store to intercept the bus so that she could get Angel off the bus to take for treatment, but the bus without any regard for her refused to stop upon seeing her.

"Madam Nancy and other family members got a motorcycle that chased the bus conveying the students but to no avail. Upon arrival on the Campus, Madam Nancy was again prevented from entering the bus, until all the students disembark the vehicle leaving the Late Angel unconsciously lying in the back seat of the bus," the family narrated.

The family added: "It was at this point, Rev. Edwin Dorley, Vice Principal for Student Affairs and Religion, the school nurse, Madam Nancy, and other family members embark on the vehicle of Rev. Edwin Dorley who drove them to the Redemption Hospital in New Kru Town, Bushord Island. Upon arrival at the hospital, the health practitioners on duty checked for vital signs, but all vital signs were unresponsive. Willvette Angel Nagbe was pronounced dead on arrival (DOA), the family was also informed that she had died several hours before her arrival at the hospital."

They alleged that Rev. Dorley immediately left the hospital under the pretense that he was going to get the Principal but never returned.

The family: "The unceremonious departure of Rev. Edwin Dorley, after the pronouncement of Willvette Angel Nagbe demise, was disrespectful to the bereaved family. Furthermore, the fabrication that Willvette Angel Nagbe was ill prior to her travel to Grand Bassa County, is absolutely annoying and unacceptable."

"This incident is tragic and unacceptable, Willvette Angel Nagbe, was let down by her school, the ones she spent most part of her days with. The people she was entrusted to mold her mind for a better future. Which she did not have the chance to get because someone decided that it was not a good idea for her to be taken to the nearest hospital or clinic for medical attention when her friends noticed that she was not feeling well, let her down."

They have, therefore, called on the police to launch an homicide investigation into the death of the 13-year-old. They have also called on the school's administration to turn over the staff on the bus at the time of her death to the police for investigation.

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