Africa: Brenda Moore Elected Deputy Presiding Officer for West Africa At the African Union On Economic, Social & Cultural Council

Monrovia — Kids Educational Engagement Project (KEEP) Executive Director Madam Brenda Moore has been elected Deputy Presiding Officer for West Africa at the African Union on Economic, Social & Cultural Council (ECOSOCC).

Madam Moore is the first female and Liberian to serve as Deputy Presiding Officer since the organization was established in 2004. She was unanimously voted for by members of the West African region serving in the 4th General Assembly.

Henry Karmo, [email protected]

"I am truly honored to have been elected to serve as Deputy Presiding Officer (DPO) for West Africa at the African Union's ECOSOCC.

"It's a great opportunity to take the concerns of citizens to the level of the AU, representing not just Liberia by also the entire ECOWAS region of 15 countries. Most people are aware of the SDGs, but not the AU's," she said.

She further said in her acceptance remarks that her role also involves engaging with member states, various parliamentarians, media, and civil society organizations of the ECOWAS region" Madam Moore lamented.

As the first Liberian to serve in this position, KEEP's Executive Director looks forward to bringing positive attention to Liberia.

"As the only female (and youngest) elected, it is going to be interesting navigating the dynamics. This also provides us the opportunity to share more information on the AU's Agenda 2063 which isn't well-known across the continent.

Her role will also involves interacting with regional actors such as media, parliamentarians, civil society organizations and national actors in sharing information about the AU organ, and popularization of the mandates of the AU to bring citizens closer to the people.

The Economic, Social and Cultural Council (ECOSOCC) is an advisory organ of the African Union designed to give civil society organizations a voice within the AU institutions and decision-making processes and provide an opportunity for African Civil Society Organizations to play an active role in contributing to the AU's principles, policies, and programs.

The General Assembly is the highest decision and policy-making body of ECOSOCC composed of: Two CSOs from each African Union Member State; Ten CSOs operating at a regional level and eight at a continental level; and CSOs from the African Diaspora.

The ECOSOCC General Assembly has a tenure of four years. The 3rd Permanent General Assembly was constituted in December 2018. The newly elected members of the GA will in turn elect a bureau comprising the Presiding Officer, Deputy Presiding Officers, and chairs of sectoral cluster Committees.

Making remarks at the induction ceremony, Principal Secretary in the Department of Foreign Affairs, Dr. Abraham Sing'oei, speaking on behalf of Dr. Alfred Mutua, Cabinet Secretary in the Ministry of Foreign and Diaspora Affairs congratulated the newly elected members of the ECOSOCC General Assembly and urged them to take the mantle of leadership to develop the continent.

He underscored the valuable contribution that Civil Society Organizations under the leadership of ECOSOCC had made in enhancing African ownership of its peace and security agenda.

"This is well demonstrated by the integrated approach through which a number of AU member states in collaboration with ECOSOCC combine efforts in conflict prevention, management and resolution, as well as post-conflict stabilization and reconstruction," Dr. Mutua said.

He reiterated Kenya's support of ECOSOCC in fulfilling its mandate of actively engaging civil society on the continent in the processes and work of the AU, particularly with regards to Africa's integration and development.

For his part, Vice-President of the Section for External Relations, the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) Mr. Peter Clever stressed that sustainable development should be rooted deeply in society, that is, people and not governments.

He applauded the youth representation in the elected PA and noted that it translated into formal representation by young people in shaping the programs and policies of the union.

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