Liberia: Southeastern Governors, Elders Present Gift to Pres. Weah - Urge Liberians to Maintain Peace

Monrovia — Several Governors from the South Eastern parts of Liberia have recognized the efforts being applied by President George Manneh Weah to sustain peace and stability in the country.

The Governors under the captioned: "Governing Council of the South-East" presented a traditional gift to the Liberian leader, through Sinoe County Representative Sampson Wiah at a brief ceremony held in Clara Town on Saturday, December 17in recognition of the President's efforts.

Governors, elders and heads of traditional groups in Liberia graced the ceremony.

They danced to traditional songs while presenting a gift which had the masks of the 16 tribes in Liberia, the national seal and the photo of the Liberian leader.

Speaking during the occasion, Grebo Governor, Obediah Toe disclosed that the presentation of the gift was a sign of appreciation to the efforts being applied by President Weah to keep Liberia peaceful for all its citizens and foreign residents.

He observed that without peace, no nation can move forward.

According to him, President Weah continues to exhibit a high degree of unity by bringing all "citizens on board" regardless of political affiliation, tribe or religion.

This, he added, continues to foster peace and tranquility in a country that has suffered over 14-years of civil war.

Also speaking, the Krahn Governor Elizabeth Nimely, stressed that citizens from south-eastern Liberians are pleased and grateful to the President for the manner and form in which he is steering the affairs of the state.

According to her, Liberians will continue to hold together and discourage acts that will fuel confusion because, "our leader is a man of peace."

She added that citizens of the South-eastern region will continue to render prayers for President Weah for ensuring that the country is stable and peaceful for all its citizens and foreign residents.

Governor Nimely also used the occasion to call on Sinoe County District #2 Representative Sampson Wiah and others to ensure that a meeting is held between the Governing Council and the President upon his return to the country.

Sokan Toe, Chair of Jlaypoh expressed gratitude for the opportunity provided him to form part of the occasion.

He observed that since the inception of the CDC led-government, Liberians and other foreign residents continue to enjoy peace in the midst of difficulties.

He said though the economic conditions in the nation remain challenging, President Weah and his government are exerting efforts to prevent and help address issues which have the proclivity of stirring conflict in the society.

As the 2023 presidential and legislative elections draw closer, Mr. Toe vowed that citizens of the South-east are fully prepared to take and walk in line with the CDC Political Leader.

"President Weah is the guardian of our peace. We say thank you for making us to live in peace and happiness in our country."

Also representing the Jlayee Statutory District, Moses Doe claimed that the presentation of the traditional gift signifies that southeastern Liberians are with the President.

He observed that apart from sustaining peace and stability in Liberia, President Weah is also rapidly developing the nation.

He used the occasion to call on Liberians to see reason to retain President Weah come 2023 to enable him complete his developmental agenda for the country and its citizens.

"We have come to say thank you. He cares for the nation and he is talk and do. He is God given leader. We shall support him for the second term. He disarmed rebels in this country. We have not come to praise people who are destroying the country. Weah is nationally and internationally recognized," a representative of Grand Kru County, Helen Wilson stated.

Receiving the gift from the Governors on behalf of the President, Sinoe County District #2 Representative Sampson Wiah commended the elders for their recognition and their commitment.

He stressed that the maintenance of peace and stability in Liberia remain the "most expensive gift" President Weah is continuously offering citizens.

He claimed that for the past five years, the CDC-led government has kept Liberia safe and secure, contrary to insinuations and criticism from detractors and critics.

Representative Wiah said the "beautiful gift" offered the Liberian leader by the Governors signifies peace, integrity, togetherness and nationalism.

"The message is clear. The people who own the country are the ones saying thank you and this cannot be challenged by anyone. Thanks to the tribal and traditional leaders for this farsightedness.

Representative Weah, however, committed to ensuring that the Governing Council of the Southeast hold a fruitful face-to-face meeting with President Weah upon his return to Liberia from the United States of America.

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