Gambia: There Is Nothing Diplomacy Cannot Resolve

(file photo).
21 December 2022

The increment of EU visa fees by the European Union, with the desire to compel Gambia to accept deportees must be remedied through diplomacy 101 with immediate effect.

Most of the time such situations are an outcome of "fermented feelings" within the "chamber of frustrations".

There is nothing diplomacy cannot resolve as long as the right approach is identified, understood and used as it pleases Allah.

What's my advice?

A delegation comprising our diplomats that is to say, the home based ones, those en poste, our immigration and officials from the Office of President. They must travel to EU HQs and then by extension EU member states and or communities to engage them. Or speak to them with data and concrete facts that are related to the reasons why those immigrants cannot just come back home empty handed! Measures like the increment of visas will only come back to bite the EU sooner than later. In fact the aforementioned outcome could have been averted or avoided. That said, there is still some hope left! Our young ones in Europe can be protected where Frank talk is held with EU Officials some of whom are not exposed to the realities that urge our young folks to travel. By looking at Afghani refugees and those from Ukraine being flown to Europe and the Americas with full protection from local authorities shows another side of the story. Is it being biased or is it a lack of awareness of the realities that urge people to leave for "greener pastures" as they say it.

EU Officials must equally understand that measures like these cannot solve or resolve anything. Migration has been a partner of humanity since time immemorial therefore imposing sanctions is shameful, draconian, confrontational and above all thorns from the tree of patronage! Unfortunately our own citizens are usually the ones who face the sharp swords of immigration officials in those EU countries. The EU also cannot wake up and impose sanctions when they are not even sure if all Gambian pass port holders are Gambians in reality!

What EU officials can be urged to do is allow those young immigrants to access resources like hiring lawyers or be trained in various trades, certified. Ultimately they can sign a bond so that after graduating they will come back to work. Before deportation they should be given good capital to begin a business. Being deported without a certificate or capital for small scale businesscan make some deportees commit suicide. EU Officials must also be told not to use discriminatory methods when conducting such operations. West African nations where compelled can also stop using EU airlines or simply put reject the EU visas and change course to Dubai, China, or other African nations to do business. Once discrimination becomes part of the process it can cause rupture between Gambian immigrants and the EU member states or communities.

Honest truth is we need each other. My strong belief is that the current situation can be resolved sooner than later within the confines of the fine traditions of diplomacy. Increasing visa fees cannot stop clandestine immigration EU!

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