Liberia: Bomi Citizens in the Diaspora Make Donations to Visually Impaired and Physically Challenged Communities

Monrovia — Several citizens of Bomi County residing in the Diaspora have identified with the Christian Association of the Blind (CAB), barely few weeks after a burglary which led to the stealing of ration and cash for the up keeping of visually impaired and others schooling and residing at the facility.

CAB is located in the R2 Community on the Robertsfield Highway, outside Monrovia.

It can be recalled that on November 18, unknown men broke into CAB facility and made away with assorted and food items and the amount of US$700 that was being kept in a save.

But the citizens, under the banner Bomi Diaspora Association (BODA) presented several bags of rice, gallons of cooking oil, onions, and cartoons of bathing soap, among others as a purse of consolation to the victims.

Making the presentation of the items on behalf of the group on Wednesday, December 21, Mr. Armah Baxter disclosed that the gesture was intended to help provide basic necessities for the students and others at the facility following the unfortunate incident.

He added that the funding was raised and provided by citizens hailing from Bomi who are residing in some countries in the diaspora.

He said these citizens felt unhappy when news of the burglary at CAB facility was reported by various media institutions and on Facebook.

Mr. Baxter pointed out that the donation was his group own way of showing concern and love to the institution during these difficult times.

"We have come to identify with this institution and present assorted and other food items during this festive. The Bomi Diaspora Association became interested in your story when they heard that your property was burglarized and food items and others were taken away. So they thought that it could be very expedient at this time to identify with you and your kids. And this is why we are here."

The group also provided similar items to the disabled community in Tubmanburg, Bomi County.

The beneficiaries were: visually impaired, physically challenged, deaf and dumb, among others.

The group also presented the amounts of US$250 to the management of Radio Bomi for the maintenance of the station and US$474 and a PA system worth US$480 for the county soccer team that is participating in the ongoing county meet.

Speaking in an interview with FrontPage Africa via telephone, the group's Vice President Jerry Varney disclosed that BODA was founded October 2021 to solicit funds and identify programs and initiatives to support back home for the benefit of their kinsmen.

"A good number of us were born in Bomi and Bomi did a lot for us when we were growing up. Today, we find ourselves all around the world including Canada, Europe and Asia. We came together to see how best we can help our brothers and sisters in Bomi.

He disclosed that the group will also provide scholarship opportunities and empowerment programs to deserving students from grade to university levels aand other vulnerable groups.

Varney pointed out that in the future, an office will be opened in the county to help push and actualize the goals and objectives of BODA.

He stressed that the move is also intended to buttress government's efforts in helping to alleviate the mountainous constraints confronting citizens of the county.

"In successful countries the government has its part to play and the citizens too have part to play. The government supposed to set up the basic infrastructures for the citizens to move forward. But we too should help the government for our country and brothers and sisters to also move forward."

Varney observed that the development of Liberia and its citizens will require the collective efforts of not only the government, but all Liberians, including those residing in the diaspora.

He said despite being one of the oldest counties in Liberia, Bomi remains backward in terms of infrastructural and economic growth and development.

He stressed that it will require the concerted efforts of all sons and daughters hailing from Bomi to develop the county.

Varney further called for the construction of roads in Bomi and other areas to speed up developmental initiatives across Liberia.

He observed that though Bomi has produced a President and Speaker for several years, the county cannot boast of any major development or transformation as compared to other counties across Liberia.

"The people of Bomi should not be going to Monrovia to get driver's license or registration for their cars. Government needs to decentralize its activities because Monrovia is not Liberia. A lot needs to be done beginning with the roads."

He, however, disclosed that the gestures to the beneficiaries were intended to help address the challenges they are faced with in fetching for themselves during this festive season.

Varney put the cost of the donation at L$385,000 or US$2,500.

"This is Christmas season and we thought it wise to identify with the disabled community, the radio stations and the Bomi County football team."

Receiving the donated items, the President of the Christian Association of the Blind (CAB) Mr. Beyan Kota commended the Bomi Diaspora Association (BODA) for the donation.

He said the burglary incident was "shocking" to the management of the institution and the students.

He used the occasion to also narrate the unfortunate incident which led to the shortage of food and others at the facility.

"We are grateful that you have come especially in time of distress and to share our pains. We were surprised by the burglary. It was early around 1AM when the thieves managed to climb the fence from the back. They cut into the roof and came down into the office; took away our save then later went into the storeroom and managed to have packed our food and threw it overboard."

Mr. Kota disclosed that one-month supply of food was stolen by the thieves, making things worse for the visually impaired and others staying at the facility.

"We want to say to the Bomi Diaspora Association thanks for coming to our rescue especially during this festive season."

He, however, called on other well-meaning and philanthropic organizations operating in Liberia and abroad to emanate the good example of BODA during this festive season.

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